A Falling CHOP Tries to Save Face

– 25 June 2020 –

C. F. van Niekerk:

It looks like CHAZ/CHOP has declared an early victory and is trying to create the happy illusion that they are freely dissolving themselves.

Via ZeroHedge:

Protesters at Seattle’s “Capitol Hill Organized Protest” (CHOP) zone are being encouraged by community leaders and an activist whose brother was fatally shot by city police in 2016 to leave the “occupied” protest zone.

A Twitter account, which claims to be the “official account” for CHOP, posted a statement on Wednesday addressed to “comrades in the struggle,” encouraging protesters to leave the area that was established earlier this month in the wake of Black American George Floyd’s death in police custody.

“The CHOP project is now concluded,” the message said.

“While we expect a very small handful of holdouts may try to remain in the CHOP, no further organizing will be occurring to support this presence and the number on-site will be too small to be more than an annoyance for pedestrians rather than a zonal blockade.”

It is unclear who runs the Twitter account, however, the statement was signed as from “the Capitol Hill Solidarity Committee.”

“Last night, Solidarity Committee received notice from some of our trusted partners that persons in the park were in danger. We immediately implemented our emergency relocation plan, successfully evacuating most of the park. Thankfully, no danger materialized. However, we are now left with the reality that very few people remain in our beloved CHOP,” the message continued.

Even before the recent shootings, this hippie enclave—dependent upon city services and food donations, unable to restrain its criminal elements—was in fact a lawless ghetto, a fact that had already started to leak out despite an insanely partisan media propaganda machine lauding the Zone with praise. Then recent shootings forced even the sympathetic city and state governments to dissolve their beloved CHOMP. It was better that they persuade the Zone’s leaders to declare victory and go home rather than send cops marching through the Zone with tear gas and bulldozers driving these bums out of their hovels. Such a sight would have spoiled whatever propaganda victories these activists had gained with their creation of an “Autonomous Zone.”

And succeed they have! They’ve made Drumpf look like a blowhard and the whole rickety white system look like knee-bending fools. White America is on track to passively dissolve itself and apologize for even existing, with less reason than de Klerk-era South Africa.

So is Act II of this tiresome play winding down? Will the Jacobin iconoclasts soon cease their statue-destroying as the CHOP set is broken down for the next scene, or will that lawless destruction and intimidation continue through what appears to be the approach of Round 2 of the Covid Lockdowns and looming economic storms?

We have four months or so till the dreaded 2020 election. That’s plenty of time for the elites to pound our cursed lands with two or three more Acts of dramatized upheavals. We have endured the shock of Covid lockdowns, mass unemployment, revolutionary mobs terrorizing every city and town, and the universal grovelling to blacks by every corporate and civil authority. After all that, have our overlords sufficiently softened the target of white America to force our total capitulation? Nah. These grand visionaries plan more “shock and awe” for us! What is the end goal here, if any?

The term “shock and awe” may be derided now, but at the time it certainly accomplished its goal, right?

I have to wonder, what is the value to the Leftists of insulting and terrorizing average white people around the country? Surely typical, non-urban whites are quietly getting fed up with this insanity. It’s not hard to imagine the quiet wrath of average working whites creating another surprise Trump victory in November, for whatever little that’s worth besides the jollies of Left-wing tantrums.

Or has the vast majority of whites all turned into broken cowards, self-haters, and mindless, masturbating robots? Will they meekly continue to tolerate all of this? I hate to say that permanent impotence is a real possibility. Impotence before castration, eh, banded cattle?

Look around. It’s getting pretty easy to see who the steers are and who the bulls are, and it ain’t looking good for the native stock.

It’s clear that regardless of the political and economic outcome of today’s hysteria, the elitist program will grind forward. Trump is to one degree or another a phony wrestling heel, a Caroll O’Conner playing Archie Bunker as a foil to misdirect white frustration into bluster and triviality and galvanize the Left. It is irrelevant whether Trump truly represents a hated opposition to the liberal American establishment or whether he plays on their team as a charlatan because it has grown clear that, even explicitly, he has no intention of restoring whiteness and traditional Christianity to America.

It’s safe to say that the end goal for our overlords—regardless of how united or fractious they are, or how sincere or phony their theatrics—is to unite the world under a single Satanic system, dependent on universal monitoring, and probably one that involves the explicit ceremonial embrace of the new liberating system and a rejection of the old restrictive order of God, nation, tribe, and family. It will be the culmination of roughly five hundred years of historical trends.

The sooner it’s undeniable that the entirety of the system, especially the government, maliciously opposes the people who built it, the better. But such awareness will almost certainly arrive too late to prevent whatever coup the elites are hammering into us to collectively accept.

Lessons From Stoddard’s French Revolution in San Domingo That Apply Today

– 19 June 2020 –


Several lessons on racial conflict and race realism—at least among blacks, whites, and mulattoes—can be gained from a study of the Haitian Revolution. As a follow-up to my recent article which reviewed Dr. T. Lothrop Stoddard’s French Revolution in San Domingo, this article will highlight some of these lessons that this book demonstrated so clearly.

As a quick recap, the French colony of Saint-Domingue, the richest land in the Western hemisphere in the latter part of the 18th century, ruled by a small minority of whites, suffered one tragedy after another during the French Revolution. First, two political camps of whites fought among themselves, then opposing factions of blacks and coloureds rose up in bloody revolts, the French government sent corrupt and incompetent commissioners with conflicting orders that only inflamed the divisions. Then the colony suffered foreign invasions, more incompetent French rule, before being united by a black insurrectionist who was deposed by Napoleon’s armies, which in turn abandoned the island after a catastrophic plague of yellow fever and renewed war with Great Britain. Nearly all of the whites left in the new land of Haiti were then butchered.

In light of the current revolutionary sentiment in the United States, these lessons are growing more and more relevant. Just as in the French Revolution, deranged white fanatics are bent on overthrowing existing norms. Just as in the Haitian Revolution, our society is racially divided and increasingly racially tense and dysfunctional. The combination of these forces, if they continue on the path of escalation, promises years of senseless death and destruction on a scale never before seen in North America, with the likely result of everyone suffering for the sake of a diabolical few.

Commercialism Commands No Allegiance

A society built on making money can’t fail to grow corrupt and disunited, and such a society will inspire little devotion from its entire people.

The colonists of French Saint-Domingue were morally corrupt, only concerned with making money, and they weren’t a real nation. They shared little in common save their geographic location, their desire to maintain rule over the non-whites, and their superficial acknowledgment of French administration.

This state of rootlessness most especially affected the cities. Cities by their very nature breed egoism, greed, and unaccountability because of their mercantile nature, their ability to provide amusements, and their increased anonymity. The fact that the majority of townspeople were born in Europe only magnified this cosmopolitan attitude.

In Saint-Domingue, the division between rural and town whites, and rich and poor, manifested in the bitter conflict between white Creole monarchists and European-born revolutionaries. Because these factions didn’t think in terms of nationhood, the two groups were often willing to make alliances with Free Coloreds and even black insurrectionists against their opposing white enemies.

Does this situation sound familiar in today’s world?

For a nation to survive in the long run and maintain solid character, the merchants must be held in check by strong leadership whose power is independent of commercial wealth. And organic nationhood should form the backbone of governance.

Problems of Weak Authority

Weak authority and poor leadership destroyed Saint-Domingue more than any other factor.

Failures include the indecisiveness of King Louis XVI whose incompetence led to the French Revolution, the weak and divided colonial authorities whose unwillingness or inability to take charge allowed the colonial administration to collapse, and the schizophrenic incompetence of the French revolutionary government to stick to a decision or appoint capable leaders. Systems of checks and balances that prevented rash decisions and tyrannical rule under peaceful conditions not only failed to adapt to an emergency situation, they made it worse with their squabbling.

All of these factors worked together to kill Saint-Domingue and its people again and again.

Yet when Napoleon had a few years to address the problem, his efforts rapidly set the island in order. Only the renewal of war with Britain caused Napoleon’s efforts to collapse.

Blacks Pose Little Threat to the Ruling Order

By themselves, blacks pose little threat to firm and united white rule.

Blacks, to a greater extent than other races, will generally tolerate or even embrace slave-like conditions so long, on one hand, as their basic physical needs are met, they can enjoy their families and a few comforts, and when they are allowed to work leisurely; but also, on the other hand, when they know that a strong hand will immediately crush any resistance.

One could argue reasonably that this condition holds true of any other race. And it is true that any sampling of humanity will submit (and usually has submitted) to slave-like conditions under some form of tyranny, at least for a time. But the question is a matter of degree rather than a binary absolute. Due to inherent properties of their temperament, sub-Saharan blacks seem to tolerate slave-like conditions more than any other broad race of people. In several instances throughout history, a tiny minority of whites or Arabs managed to rule overwhelming numbers of blacks for centuries without significant organized resistance. What other people on earth has ever for so long submitted to such direct and absolute rule from such a tiny elite?

Ninety-percent of blacks don’t aspire to power and are happy with short-term and superficial luxuries. They tend towards the superstitious, so they typically fear and respect religious authorities, even those of outside religions. And they have little sense of adventure, having little curiosity about anything outside their immediate world. Generally, ninety percent of them just aren’t very bright in the civilizational sense.

In many ways they are perfect subjects.

It is true that young, black men do have a tendency to act impulsively and violently. Yet this violence is usually directed at other blacks, and seldom does this take the form of organized resistance unless guided by outside, non-black sources. This fact makes ruling over blacks a pain in the ass, but it should be remembered that eighty percent of a black population causes little to no serious trouble with authorities; you might not be able to have an intelligent conversation with any of them, or be able to depend on them, but they are generally decent people.

It’s the talented tenth you have to watch out for. These are the people who do think in the abstract, do aspire to power, and can organize their fellows to greater or lesser extent. But in other races, this category of people accounts for significantly more than ten percent. That is the key.

Throughout time, the most effective and most stable of black societies have been run through absolute authoritarian rule from a single alpha male. No abstract theory of government or faith, and no community democracy or complex legal system. A great chief or king uses the cult-like devotion of the ninety percent to enforce the loyalty of the remaining talented ten percent who will look for any sign of weakness to depose their ruler and take his coveted place.

In Saint-Domingue, the rise and rule of Touissant Louverture proved an excellent example of this condition. So long as he personally ruled his devoted hordes, his rule was safe. He could drive his fanatics like stampeding cattle at whatever target he chose. But when those hordes were removed, even some of Touissant’s most devoted generals betrayed him.

So for whites to effectively rule blacks, ninety percent of the blacks must live in relative comfort, in awe of whites, while the whites reward the talented tenth with privileges over their fellows and keep a close eye on this ten percent against conspiracy. There is little need to play ideological mind games or talk about lofty abstract ideals; rule over blacks is maintained through the material and the physical.

One might say that such a system of white rule over blacks is unjust. And I would agree that permanent chattel slavery as a commercial enterprise is inherently unjust and defies God’s natural order. But when a nation of whites has the misfortune of finding itself in charge of blacks, as has often happened throughout history, there is little better moral alternative to this kind of rule if the whites want to survive as a people in the midst of blacks.

Mixed-Castes are Dangerous

The significant presence of mixed castes in Saint-Domigue created a resentful and jealous underclass.

In a racially-stratified society, a condition that is unavoidable in multi-racial populations of any significant size (even in places like Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic), mixed-race populations form a treacherous middle ground between the low-caste races and the ruling class races, or between shades as it may be in mixed-race nations.

The unavoidable fact is that, all things being otherwise equal, whites and east Asians will generally rise to the top over blacks and American Indians in any society. When racial distinctions are heavily blurred, as they are throughout Latin America and the Carribbean or the Middle East, people with the whitest traits rise to the top. In Madagascar, the top people in society tend to have the most Polynesian blood. In Southeast Asia, those with the least mixture with Dravidic peoples, that is, those who look most East Asian, dominate society. In the case of Haiti, mulattoes rose to the top even though Dessalines exterminated most of them to destroy the mulattoes as a class.

When it comes to running complex societies, the races are not equal in their capabilities. And those in the middle tend to resent this state of affairs more than most.

French Saint-Domingue upheld a strict Color Line to preserve white rule and white posterity in their colony. If whites wanted to maintain their culture, their physical and mental traits, their whole existence as a distinct people, the less they bred with other races the better. In a place like Saint-Domingue, where the temptation to mix was great, a strict Color Line was necessary as compared to historical France, which at the time could afford to absorb the odd non-white here and there. Without the Color Line, whites in Saint-Domingue would have slowly disappeared into the overwhelming black majority and become something like the Haiti that we see today.

But this Color Line infuriated the mulattoes, especially the wealthy ones. They possessed every benefit of white civilization but were denied the status of Whiteness, even while less wealthy or less able whites had higher status than them. Yet these mixed-bloods expressed no solidarity with the black slaves. The Free Coloreds, even the black ones, wanted the wealth and status that only black slaves could bring. Plus, the blacks represented what the mulattoes were fleeing. How could the mulatto not, deep down, resent his own genetics, his own uneasy combination of contrary genes? The Free Coloreds despised the whites and yet wished to be them.

To some extent this is the story with every mulatto.

In the mulatto is a dangerous combination of the savage spirit of the Negro and some of the intelligence and ingenuity of the white, a combination that expressed itself in some of the most gruesome horrors committed during the revolution in Saint-Domingue. Often this combination manifests itself in mental illness and antisocial behavior.

To foster the greatest extent of peace and stability, multiracial societies would be wise to limit the mixing of the races, as the South Africans did during Apartheid. If possible, in the case of mulattoes, it might be best, however, to encourage their absorption into the black populations.

Digression: Why Not Just Mix All the Races?

One could again reasonably argue that if there had never been a Color Line that the Free Colored resentments wouldn’t have appeared at all, that the most talented blacks and mulattoes could have hoped to move into top positions in society and would have less reason to resent the status quo.

Perhaps so. But this ignores the fact that the whites of Saint-Dominque were only a tiny minority of the island, likely to disappear into the black population if not legally separated, and of the reality of inherent racial differences in behavior and outlook described earlier.

Advanced civilizations are extremely difficult to build; they are not the norm of humanity. When we observe nations around the world where races with high-levels of civilization have mixed with the races whose conditions are almost universally barbaric, the best that one can observe are the cases in the Middle East, Central America, and India, places generally known for their filth and their crime. (Yes, some of the oil-rich cities are amazing, but how much do they depend on foreign engineering and maintenance?) If all of one’s descendants end up mentally retarded, the retarded won’t care, but is that what we ourselves really want for our descendants, or what our ancestors would have wanted?

To those who actually care about racial discrimination, mixing the races doesn’t eliminate this problem. In racially mixed populations, the proportions of racial characteristics don’t spread evenly, even among siblings from the same parents. In mixed societies like Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, India, and the South African Cape, mixed people still discriminate against one another based on shade, with the whiter traits held in the highest esteem and the darker traits scorned and often shunned.

To those who don’t care about perpetuating their nation or the state of civilization, or those who don’t believe in nationhood and think that all of the races are totally equal, then let us just say our values are at complete odds. You can sit smugly as your side keeps winning and you can tell yourself that the West isn’t turning into a shithole before our very eyes.

And to those who simply want to eradicate the white race, there is nothing productive I can say. You are my enemy.

When United, Whites Are Damn-Nigh Unbeatable

Whites can only collectively lose against non-whites if we are internally divided.

Despite making up only six or seven percent of the population of French Saint-Domingue, whites comfortably ruled over a population of black slaves more than twelve times greater than their own for more than a hundred years. Whites continued to rule the colony without serious opposition after more than two years of revolution in the French homeland and more than a year of local civil war. This fact alone attests to the strength of white rule in Saint-Domingue.

Yet, even with all of the civil war, the racial uprisings, and the foreign invasions, even with the scourge of yellow fever, the whites would still have ultimately restored rule over Saint-Domingue if it weren’t for the Napoleonic Wars.

History is full of similar examples. The victories over the Mongols in Europe and Russia, the victories against the Muslim invasions at Tours and Vienna, and the Spanish Reconquista. The Crusades. The Battle of Blood River. Japan in World War II.

If united white armies aren’t invincible, one could say they represent a major force multiplier against non-white enemies.

This is why our internal enemies are working so hard to keep us not only divided among ourselves, but physically sick and broken within our own minds. Our people pose the greatest risk to the their unnatural hegemony.

1 Contend, Lord, with those who contend with me;
fight against those who fight against me.
2 Take up shield and armor;
arise and come to my aid.
3 Brandish spear and javelin
against those who pursue me.
Say to me,
“I am your salvation.”

4 May those who seek my life
be disgraced and put to shame;
may those who plot my ruin
be turned back in dismay.
5 May they be like chaff before the wind,
with the angel of the Lord driving them away;
6 may their path be dark and slippery,
with the angel of the Lord pursuing them.

7 Since they hid their net for me without cause
and without cause dug a pit for me,
8 may ruin overtake them by surprise—
may the net they hid entangle them,
may they fall into the pit, to their ruin.
9 Then my soul will rejoice in the Lord
and delight in his salvation.
10 My whole being will exclaim,
“Who is like you, Lord?
You rescue the poor from those too strong for them,
the poor and needy from those who rob them.”

11 Ruthless witnesses come forward;
they question me on things I know nothing about.
12 They repay me evil for good
and leave me like one bereaved.
13 Yet when they were ill, I put on sackcloth
and humbled myself with fasting.
When my prayers returned to me unanswered,
14 I went about mourning
as though for my friend or brother.
I bowed my head in grief
as though weeping for my mother.
15 But when I stumbled, they gathered in glee;
assailants gathered against me without my knowledge.
They slandered me without ceasing.
16 Like the ungodly they maliciously mocked;
they gnashed their teeth at me.

17 How long, Lord, will you look on?
Rescue me from their ravages,
my precious life from these lions.
18 I will give you thanks in the great assembly;
among the throngs I will praise you.
19 Do not let those gloat over me
who are my enemies without cause;
do not let those who hate me without reason
maliciously wink the eye.
20 They do not speak peaceably,
but devise false accusations
against those who live quietly in the land.
21 They sneer at me and say, “Aha! Aha!
With our own eyes we have seen it.”

22 Lord, you have seen this; do not be silent.
Do not be far from me, Lord.
23 Awake, and rise to my defense!
Contend for me, my God and Lord.
24 Vindicate me in your righteousness, Lord my God;
do not let them gloat over me.
25 Do not let them think, “Aha, just what we wanted!”
or say, “We have swallowed him up.”

26 May all who gloat over my distress
be put to shame and confusion;
may all who exalt themselves over me
be clothed with shame and disgrace.
27 May those who delight in my vindication
shout for joy and gladness;
may they always say, “The Lord be exalted,
who delights in the well-being of his servant.”

28 My tongue will proclaim your righteousness,
your praises all day long.

– Psalm 35

When Church Authorities Align With the World, Should They be Surprised When True-Believers Disobey?

– 17 June 2020 –


A Russian priest who was in trouble with Church authorities for defying their Covid-19 policies has taken over a convent near Ekaterinburg. Via RT:

A Russian priest who believes Covid-19 is an invention by evil forces hellbent on “chipping the population” has apparently used Cossack fighters to seal off a women’s convent after church authorities prohibited him from preaching.

According to local media sources, Shiigumen Sergius ousted the abbess of the convent, Varvara, along with several nuns, and took control of the building after his ban. Prior to the takeover, he was an informal leader of the community but was subservient to the regional diocese.

Since the incident, the cleric has not allowed local religious leaders to visit, and journalists from the area have claimed that the site is being guarded by Cossacks loyal to Sergius.

Sergius was forbidden from conducting religious duties at Ekaterinburg’s Central Urals Monastery after criticizing the reaction of Russian authorities and Patriarch Kirill to the Covid-19 “pseudo-pandemic.” Due to the precarious epidemiological situation, churches in Russia have been ordered to close for the safety of parishioners.

Sergius claimed on many occasions that the pandemic was an excuse to microchip the public, and complained that the closure of churches during the crisis was done under pressure from “the atheistic authorities.”

While it’s hard to get a clear picture of what is actually happening or the circumstances behind it, I can say that my sympathy is with Father Sergius, though I can’t condone his taking control of a monastery that wasn’t his to take.

Like apparently every other organized church in the world, the Russian Orthodox Church banned or limited public services, effectively excommunicating many of the faithful, and introduced secular novelties into traditional or even sacred rites motivated more by worldly concerns than Divine.

Is it any wonder then that some Faithful local priests and pastors will rebel against their church leaders who respect the world more than our God?

When it comes to fundamental Divine issues, the Church should uphold Divine authority over worldly authorities even if doing so leads to our incrimination or even death. There are tactful and political ways to uphold Divine authority over the worldly authorities, ways that should minimize persecution, but Church authorities across the Christian spectrum aren’t doing that.

Maybe Father Sergius and his followers didn’t act tactfully or with political savvy, but at least half of the blame for his reckless action lies with a Church that has grown too worldly.

I pray that the Russian Church acts with mercy and leniency here.

Book Review: The French Revolution in San Domingo

– 8 June 2020 –


The ongoing race riots, fanned and assisted by traitorous white revolutionaries, shows parallels with other bloody ideology-led revolutions throughout Western history, namely the English Civil War and the French and Russian Revolutions. With the savage addition of race to this revolutionary spirit, the case of Haiti during the French Revolution offers a particularly grim example of the worst that could happen in the United States if our current trajectory continues.

The French Revolution in San Domingo, written in 1914 by Harvard [?!] professor Dr. T. Lothrop Stoddard, covers the fall of white rule in French San Domingo—now known as ‘Haiti’—from 1788 to 1805. The account is quite readable, with many quotes from contemporaries that give life and urgency to these horrific yet fascinating historical events. [Note: Rather than use the more proper French name “Saint-Dominigue,” for this article I will follow Stoddard’s exonym from his book, “San Domingo.”]

Before reading this book, I thought I knew a fair amount about the Haitian revolution, but Loddard’s book showed me that I hardly knew a thing. Previously, I had believed that the French had simply abandoned the white colonists during the internal turmoil of the French Revolution, that the blacks and mulattoes took advantage of the situation, rose up, and spontaneously exterminated most of the whites, and afterward the blacks turned against the mulattoes and massacred them. What a surprise to learn instead that the transition of white rule to black was a drawn-out, entirely preventable tragedy that owed its failure not to isolation but to repeated acts of incompetence and sabotage on the part of the whites. One misstep after another compounded together to destroy San Domingo like deliberate repeated blows from a hammer, tragedy after tragedy. Stoddard’s book is a fascinating but depressing read, with significant lessons for today’s white civilization, stricken under uncannily similar circumstances, only on a worldwide scale.

In the first part of the book, Stoddard details the history and geography of the French colony, then describes the three dominant population groups: the whites, the “free coloreds”, and the slaves.

During the first half of the 17th century, the western portion of the island of Hispaniola was largely a den of pirates and hunters of various European nationalities. The French gradually established rule over this area, but they could never quite eliminate this rough and unsavory element, a factor that aided in the colony’s later destruction. Over time, the colony of San Domingo grew into the so-called Gem of the West Indies, the richest land in all of the western hemisphere. To put it in perspective, in 1789 San Domingo generated more wealth by itself than the entirety of the United States.

In 1789, roughly 35,000 whites lived in Haiti along with about 27,000 free colored and 450,000 slaves.

San Domingo’s white population, about 7% of the colony’s total, lacked cohesion and had few ties to the land apart from the extraction of wealth. European-born colonists, the majority of whites, sneered at the unsophisticated Creoles. Townspeople hated the country people and vice versa. Poor whites resented the rich. The “official” class, those in charge of the government, remained aloof from everyone. The clergy were weak, poor, and corrupt; and rather than alleviate moral vice they often participated in it. Stoddard quotes an Abbé Raynal, describing the lack of unity:

“Ordinarily, we seek for the character of a people in its national point of view; but, in San Domingo, there is no real ‘people,’— only a mass of individuals, with common interests but isolated viewpoints.”

The free coloreds, originally very few in number, had rapidly grown to about 5% of the colony by 1789. White women were always relatively few in San Domingo; even in 1789 white men outnumbered white women more than two to one. This lack of white women along with the abundance of slave and mulatto women led to inevitable race-mixing. While many of these offspring remained slaves, some of the white men chose to form families with their mixed-race concubines and pass inheritance to their children. However, though free coloreds could legally own property (and many were quite wealthy), whites maintained a strict “color line” to preserve their own rule and identity. Free blacks and coloreds were segregated in public to their own reserved sections. They could not hold public office or work in learned professions, they were forbidden to earn patents of nobility, and sumptuary laws barred them from “adopting European dress and habits.” However wealthy or European the free coloreds might become, they could never cross the “color line” into whiteness. And as their numbers grew, so did their resentment of the whites. From the book:

“White San Domingo was obviously much divided against itself, but there was something upon which it was at one. Creole or European, poor white or planter, smuggler or governor,—all remembered that they were white; all were determined that the white race should keep white and should rule San Domingo.”

Numbering about 450,000, Negro slaves made up almost 90% of San Domingo’s population. For various reasons, the slave population failed to replace its numbers, and a majority of the Negro population was born in Africa. Taken from all over the sub-Saharan continent, they had little in common apart from their slavery. While the slaves adopted the trappings of Christianity, efforts to stamp out the cult of “vaudoux,” based on their tribal religions, failed. The independent existence of a Negro priesthood and religion aided greatly in the Negro uprisings against white rule.

For the remainder of the book, Stoddard chronologically describes the events of the revolution itself over the course of sixteen tumultuous years. While Stoddard himself doesn’t do so, I will describe these events in groups of destructive waves, each wave after wave battering and ultimate destroying white San Domingo.

First Wave: The French Revolution

In 1787, the weak French king Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates General that would ultimately destroy his life, his family, and the French monarchy and engulf the world in more than twenty years of tragic war. Not wishing to miss out, a noisy minority of colonists in French San Domingo scrambled to have their own delegates recognized in the new French parliament.

While the overwhelming majority of the colonists either opposed this move or didn’t care,

“as has often happened, they were unable to defeat the plans of an aggressive minority which knew what it wanted and strove to a definite end.”

The colonial government also opposed this democratic movement, yet they proved impotent and disorganized. Power was divided between a local Governor and an Intendant, and rather than take decisive action the two wasted their efforts fighting one another. A system of checks and balances that might check rash or poor decisions in peaceful, reasonable times proved to create nothing but indecision and weakness in perilous times.

So the raucous, vocal minority formed regional assemblies to send their chosen delegates to France. San Domingo gained only six colonial representatives out of roughly 1,000 delegates in the French Estates General. As the Estates General quickly grew more radical and egalitarian in their agenda, the colonial delegates soon regretted their invitation for revolutionary France to directly rule their colonial affairs.

Within a few months French radicals stormed the Bastille, deposed the King, and published the “Declaration of the Rights of Man.” The declaration, while it didn’t ban slavery, threatened to remove any legal distinctions between the races. The most radical members of the new French National Assembly clamored to ban slavery altogether, terrifying the French colonists. And as the revolutionary words leaked back into San Domingan society, the mulattoes and slaves grew increasingly restless while “Patriots” clamored with the royal colonial government and the planter class.

At first, the French National Assembly supported white colonial interests over the “Amis de Noir” (“Friends of the Blacks”) and their allies. The Decree of March 8, 1790 attempted to settle the question of colonial affairs by establishing a hands-off policy of internal rule for each of the French colonies. However, the decree, if taken literally, seemed to impose the legal equality of the free coloreds and to outlaw the Color Line. The squabbling French Assembly chose to leave this ambiguity in place rather than clarify the law, leading to much trouble with the mulattoes in San Domingo which boiled into two uprisings that the colonists quickly suppressed.

By the summer of 1790, San Domingo’s radical new Colonial Assembly set off open warfare between the patriots and the royalists, with the Assembly trying to take control of the military from the government. While most of the Army remained loyal to the king, the navy revolted in favor of the patriots. The royalist army crushed the patriot forces, and the Colonial Assembly fled the colony for France to appeal their case. The warring parties agreed to a truce in August 1790 to await the decision of the French National Assembly on the authority of the colonial assembly, though the truce itself fell apart seven months later.

In October 1790, the ever-vacillating French National Assembly passed a decree that once again maintained a hands-off policy for the restless colonies, this time clarifying that it would not interfere with the status of persons without colonial approval. However, radicalism in France continued to sweep the land, and on March 15, 1791, the National Assembly partially reversed its earlier decree with a compromise that recognized the equality of free coloreds whose parents were born free. It also condemned slavery in principle, if not in law.

News of the Decree of March 15 seemed to finally unite the warring factions of San Domingo against its abuses, if only temporarily. They set up a new Colonial Assembly to meet on August 25, 1791. But they acted too late.

Second Wave: The Negro Revolt in the North

Before the new assembly could meet, a horrific Negro uprising in the North on August 23, 1791 caught the colonists off-guard and shocked them in its scale and brutality. After a few months, Negroes controlled all of the North province except the main city of Le Cap and a few fortified camps. They killed roughly 4,000 whites. From the text:

“The men were at once killed, often with every species of atrocity, while the unfortunate white women were violated — frequently upon the very bodies of their husbands, fathers, and brothers. The full horror of the situation was soon brought home to the people of Le Cap itself. A reconnoitring party of National Guards which ventured a little way out into the Plain was suddenly overwhelmed in the half-light of dawn by a horde of negroes whose ghastly standard was the impaled body of a white child: only two or three of the soldiers escaped to carry the dreadful tidings.”

Meanwhile, in the Western province, a bizarre union of French royalists made a pact with the free coloreds to fight against the radical “patriots” of Port-au-Prince. Forming a pact with the city’s merchant class, the royalist/mulattoes took control of the city in October 1791. And naturally the mulatto soldiers tended to lord it over the local whites.

But the French National Assembly continued to muddy the waters. When word of San Domingo’s Negro insurrection reached France, the shocked delegates passed a new decree on September 24 which reversed its earlier decree and once again allowed the colonies to decide the status of their peoples.

Free-coloreds in French San Domingo

Third Wave: Mulatto Revolt in the West and South

When news of this new decree reached San Domingo in November 1791, the disheartened mulattoes in Port-au-Prince demanded that the city continue to recognize their rights. When the matter was put to a vote, the city erupted in riots with pitched battles between the mulattoes and the local white citizens. The whites drove the mulattoes from the city, but the latter seems to have burned the city down as they departed. The mulatto army then ravaged the countryside, looting and killing. From the text:

“The horror of the race war in the West now almost surpassed that of the North. The mulatto Confederates, in hideous token of their Royalist sentiments, fashioned white cockades from the ears of their dead enemies. The atrocities perpetrated upon the white woman and children are past belief. ‘The mulattoes,’ writes the Colonial Assembly to its Paris commissioners, ‘rip open pregnant women, and then before death force the husbands to eat of this horrible fruit. Other infants are thrown to the hogs.'”

The raging mulattoes took control of much of the countryside in the West and in the South, though Southern white planters offered successful resistance fighting in the mountains with their black slaves who seemingly remained ignorant of the Negro revolt in the north, or indifferent.

Fourth Wave: The First Civil Commissioners

On November 20, 1791 three commissioners arrived unexpectedly at Le Cap with full authority of the National Assembly to “investigate and appease the troubles” of the island. The men were minor functionaries of a moderately radical bend, supporting slavery but also intending to uphold the May 5 decree which established the equality of the free coloreds.

Like the good liberals they were, they immediately set about to save the day with peace negotiations with the Negro rebels, which failed despite a promising start because the colonists refused to grant amnesty to the Negro chieftains. This failure led to a renewed Negro offensive and a breach between the liberal French commissioners and the Colonial Assembly. The commissioners quickly began to court the mulatto factions for support, which further infuriated the white colonists. The infuriated whites rose up, drove out two of the three commissioners, arrested the governor, but they ultimately failed in their coup attempt.


Fifth Wave: The Second Civil Commissioners

Characteristically, the French National Assembly had another change of heart towards the colonies as the radical Jacobin Party took over. The National Law of April 4, 1792 unambiguously recognized the full equality of the free coloreds, demanded new free elections immediately, and sent three new commissioners to enforce the new law.

This second trio of commissioners were more radical than the first, and unlike the previous commissioners, the National Assembly granted these new commissioners the power to force racial equality for free coloreds and to send any troublemakers back to France for trial.

They arrived on September 18, 1792 with 6,000 soldiers. One of these commissioners was the villainous Sonthanax. If any single person can be blamed for the total collapse of French San Domingo, it is this devious man.

The new commissioners immediately pitted the white rabble against the white planters in order to destroy the colonial government. They dissolved the Colonial Assembly and sent the royal governor to France as a prisoner, where the Jacobins had him guillotined.

The commissioners set up a “Commission Intermédiaire” composed to five whites, four mulattoes, and one free Negro. Within a few months, they had either driven out or sent all of Le Cap’s leading royalists across the sea to French prisons.

Two of the commissioners then departed Le Cap to deal with the dissident royalists of the Western and Southern provinces, leaving Sonthanax alone to rule Le Cap increasingly as a tyrant. Sonthanax filled departing ships with political prisoners for unhopeful fates in France, while he surrounded himself with leading free coloreds and turned against the poor whites, whom he now labeled “Aristocrates de la Peau.” He began parading colored soldiers around the city and appointing colored officers, and he sent away anyone who dared to resist.

The other two commissioners allied with the poor whites of Port-au-Prince. But outside the city, royalists in the form of a white/colored alliance ruled the countryside in the Western province, and in the Southern province whites had gained the upper hand against the coloreds. The commissioners tried with little success to make a dent in the state of affairs. Then word of Sonthanax’s pro-colored policies from the North led to a break in the royalist alliance in the Western countryside, with coloreds turning against white royalists, and the white townspeople of Port-au-Prince making common cause with the white royalists.

In the middle of this realignment the Negroes of the Western province revolted, led by maroon bands. Sonthanax left Le Cap to join his colleagues in Port-au-Prince to deal with this latest threat. Using colored troops, Sonthanax surrounded the city, which promptly surrendered, and the coloreds plundered and murdered without resistance. As in the North, hundreds of the local whites were imprisoned and expelled from the Western province on ships to France.

The commissioners assembled armies to dole out the same treatment to the whites of the South, then had to respond to another crisis in Le Cap. Because war had broken out with Great Britain, the French government had sent a new governor-general, Galboud, to rule San Domingo in military affairs. Jealous of the honorable Galboud’s popularity and power, the commissioners arrived at Le Cap with columns of colored soldiers on June 10, 1793. The commissioners ordered Galboud to depart, but the sight of ships filled with political prisoners and of the looting and murdering colored troops led Galboud to join the white resistance. Galboud’s forces took Le Cap, and the commissioners fled to the forts that guarded the city from the ongoing Negro insurrection. Rather than lose the city to Galboud, the commissioners offered plunder and liberty to the black hordes of the plain, who then overran the town, murdered its inhabitants, and burned the whole place to the ground. Galboud escaped along with a flotilla of ten thousand white refugees that escaped to the Chesapeake Bay in the United States.

The destruction of the largest city in San Domingo finally destroyed the hope of most of the white inhabitants, and those who could leave generally did so. Soldiers and sailors began to leave as well. Floods of refugees crossed the land border into Spanish Santo Domingo. Seeing this opportunity to strike at the French revolutionaries, the Spanish invaded San Domingo along with a strange array of the French colony’s black rebel chiefs and French whites.

In the face of this looming destruction, Sonthanax betrayed his colored supporters and proclaimed the emancipation of all slaves on August 29, 1793. Despite this revolutionary act, however, the blacks failed to rally behind the commissioners. Most of the rebels melted back into the hills and forests once the plunder of Le Cap was gone, while others defected to the invading Spanish, and the slaves who had remained loyal to the Republic all this time regarded emancipation as permission to stop working altogether.

There aren’t too many paintings of the British defeat in the Haitian Revolution

The Sixth Wave: The British Invasion

Upon arrival in San Domingo in September 1793, the British soldiers and sailors were surprised to find themselves greeted as liberators, even by the mulattoes. The whites of the Southern province quickly announced their allegiance to the English crown. All over the colony, the British and Spanish advanced with little resistance. Sonthanax and another commissioner ultimately fled for France in June 1794, leaving the third commissioner to lead a guerrilla campaign.

But the British had more difficulty capturing the Northern province. A 50-year-old African-born black general had arisen named Toussaint Louverture. He had risen through the ranks during the Negro insurrection, then joined the Spanish when they had declared war on the Republic in 1793. Just as the English and Spanish forces were getting ready to capture Port-au-Prince in the West and the last stronghold of the North, Port-de-Paix, Toussaint defected in the spring of 1794 with his army to the French Republic.

The rapid advance of the English was halted around this time as the rainy season brought a deadly scourge of yellow fever, and the Spanish forces had fallen into disorder. Over the summer Toussaint had captured most of the Northern province while the colored forces made advances in the West. With its ranks gutted by disease, the English were only able to hold their own throughout the year while Spain had surrendered to France in September 1795, and with it Spanish Santo Domingo. 7,000 new British soldiers arrived in October, yet made only a few gains until spring when yellow fever again wiped out most of the British.

With the English left clinging to the Western province, the black North led by Toussaint Louverture began to turn against the mulatto South led by the mulatto French commissioner Rigaud.

André Rigaud

The Seventh Wave: The Third Civil Commissioners

On May 11, 1796, five new commissioners, including the returned villain Sonthanax, arrived at Le Cap with an army of 3,000, where the population greeted them with enthusiasm, including Toussaint Louverture’s negro soldiers, who despite proclaiming their support for the republic, owed their real devotion to their black general. Sonthanax took advantage of this devotion to form an alliance with Toussaint Louverture against his fellow commissioners, who were aligning with the mulattoes. In the power scuffle, mulattoes incited blacks with rumors of a return to slavery, leading to the another massacre of all the remaining whites in the district of Port-de-Paix. In the mulatto South, Sonthanax’s efforts to depose the disloyal mulatto commissioner Rigaud failed dramatically, but by the summer of 1797, the joint rule of Sonthanax and Toussaint Louverture reigned supreme in the North.

The Eighth Wave: The Kingdom of Toussaint Louverture

Having driven out all of his white competitors, Sonthanax expected to rule over Toussaint Louverture, but to his suprise, the underestimated negro general expelled him to France in August 1797.

At this time France was fighting a war with Great Britain and could not send troops to quell Toussaint. Instead they sent General Hedouville, who had recently crushed the Vendee revolt. The English, barely holding on in the West, decided to negotiate directly with Toussaint for the surrender of British-held Port-au-Prince and Western forts in order to strengthen Toussaint’s position against Hedouville. By August 1798, the British had left San Domingo. Toussaint then stirred up a riot against Hedouville and sent him fleeing to France with about 1,000 white refugees in October.

Toussaint next turned against the Southern mulatto commissioner Rigaud. As the conflict began, Rigaud incited mulattoes and free blacks all over the North to rise up, but Toussaint’s forces butchered them into submission. Toussaint then invaded the South in often nasty fighting. Finally on July 31, 1800 the mulatto Rigaud fled to Cuba with 700 mulatto officers. Toussaint’s soldiers, led by the bloodthirsty Congo-born General Dessalines, then pacified the South by exterminating the mulattoes.

While cleaning up the South, Toussaint turned on Spanish Santo Domingo, the eastern half of the island of Hispaniola. The Spanish colony had been ruled by France since 1795, and even though Toussaint technically proclaimed allegiance to France, he hurried to defeat the French-led armies of the East before the French could intervene under the new leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte. On January 28, 1801, Toussaint marched through the Spanish colonial capital, thus attaining mastery of the entire island of Hispaniola, minus a few remote bands of highland maroons.

Toussaint Louverture

By this time Toussaint Louverture had already begun using his dedicated army to re-enslave his black subjects. From the text:

“The whole country was soon scoured by Toussaint’s flying columns, and the negroes were herded from their vagabond life in the woods and mountains back to work such as they had never known under the Old Regime.”

With slavery ruthlessly restored under his bloodthirsty generals, Toussaint filled his state warehouses and treasury and used the money to purchase arms from Great Britain and the United States.

Perhaps surprisingly, Toussaint also encouraged the return of white emigres by offering to restore their estates. Thus he gained white expertise and their fearful loyalty, plus the prestige that ruling over whites would give him from his black generals.

Not all of Toissant’s generals enjoyed the new state of affairs. Toissant’s nephew Moyse led an uprising that massacred another 1,000 whites before Toissant could crush it and all effective resistance to his rule. Unsatisfied with de facto rule of the island, in July 1801 Toussaint approved a new constitution that appointed him Governor-General for life.

The Ninth Wave: Napoleon’s Army

On January 29, 1802, the first squadrons of Napoleon’s 20,000-strong force arrived. These seasoned veterans of a decade of European wars quickly set about conquering the coastal forts and cities. In some cases, black generals, including the commander of the whole South, transferred their allegiance to the French without a fight. Wherever the French went, apart from Toussaint’s stronghold in the North, the terrorized black and mulatto population threw off the horrors of black rule and welcomed the soldiers as liberators. By April 2, the French had speedily reconquered the whole of the island, minus several scattered wilderness strongholds, though at the cost of thousands of French soldiers. At the arrival of the last 1,200 of Napoleon’s forces, Toussaint gave himself up to the French on May 6, though his mountain forces refused to surrender.

Because the French were so weakened and had little hope of resupply, and because their rule largely depended on the support of local negro and mulatto regiments, they allowed Toussaint and his generals to retire to their estates rather than formally imprison them. Only through betrayal by some of his top generals, including his top man Dessalines, was Toussaint finally arrested and sent to France to ultimately die in prison in April 1803.

In mid-May an unusually deadly and persistent bout of yellow fever broke out, scourging the French forces. In just a few weeks, three thousand men had died. Nevertheless, the French armies had little trouble restoring order to the colony until word of Napoleon’s restoration of slavery broke out at the end of July 1802. As the fever continued to rage, the Negroes once again rose up against their re-enslavement, though Toussaint’s old generals, still loaded with wealth and power themselves, showed little inclination to join them. Yet, crippled by the disease, the French abandoned the hinterlands to the blacks.

The French might still have been able to hold the island if word of Napoleon’s policy to restore the color line against mulattoes hadn’t led to the violent defection of mulatto troops on October 10, 1802. Toussaint’s former generals soon joined them, led by the merciless Dessalines.

Even with these defections, the French still likely would have reconquered the island. Another 10,000 soldiers arrived at the end of 1802 to join the recovering ranks who had survived the yellow fever, and the French began to make gains in what had become a full-fledged race war.

But all of this screeched to a halt with the resumption of war with England on May 12, 1803.

The British Blockade of Saint-Dominigue

The Tenth Wave: The British to the Rescue

By June 1803, the British had blockaded all of the ports of Hispaniola, cutting off all supply to the French soldiers. The negro and mulatto armies poured out of the countryside, and rather than face slaughter from these savage hordes, the French generals surrendered to the British admirals by the end of November 1803, leaving San Domingo to its fate.

The Eleventh Wave: Dessalines

In December 1803, Dessalines declared the independence of “Haiti,” named after a tribe in the Congo. The new emperor promised protection to all white civilians who remained in the country, and he invited all white emigres to return. Many of them foolishly did so.

“But no sooner was the black leader firmly seated on his imperial throne than these unfortunates discovered their mistake in trusting the word of Dessalines. Scarcely had the new year begun when orders went forth to massacre the white population…”

The entirety of the white population, “down to the very women and children”, were tortured and slaughtered like animals.

And thus ended white San Domingo.



Today’s World: Over-the-Top Hysteria Over Every Stupid Event

– 4 June 2020 –

C. F. van Niekerk:

The subject of the race riots has replaced the Covid 19 drudgery as the topic that can’t be avoided. Discussion of the American—and increasingly Western—problem of permanent racial underclasses is a tedious and overly discussed topic. Most typical whites, including both liberals and conservatives, sagely promote more “programs” that in some form or other give these people handouts, education, special “opportunities,” or increasingly more carte blanche for minorities to behave how they wish. Of course, the underclasses really only wants the ransom and the carte blanche, like children leaving behind the meat and crackers of their Lunchables after they snatch the cookies. None of these programs or policies will solve the problem, of course, but that isn’t my main point here.

What really strikes me is the extreme levels of over-the-top submission of whites to the black narrative. Whites are literally bowing down everywhere while the blacks and Antifa protest and riot, even police and National Guard are kneeling before those who they were called to control. Business owners philosophically sympathize with those who have looted their stores. White protests are even forming in white small towns. The levels of satirical, self-renouncing absurdity know no bounds, and every Tuesday is more terrifyingly ridiculous than the wreckage of Monday it left tumbling behind.

It looks like decades of self-hating propaganda hammered in every classroom and every Godless Hollywood production has finally taken root to the point where whites will cheerfully hand over their countries to the ever-oppressed angelic poor races of the earth, most especially blacks, to demonstrate how un-racist they truly are. “Please, please, just love us. We just want you to love us, black people! What more can we do to convince you? We can never know how bad you’ve had it because of our sinful privilege! Take our cars, our homes, take our wives and children, just please love us and forgive us!”

It isn’t just the hysteria over this all-too-typical white-police/black-thug rigmarole that’s so exasperating. It’s the amplified everything! Every single big “thing” that comes along nowadays creates a shrieking, over-the-top response, driven by an out-of-control media. A Trump presidency means the end of the world! Brexit spells the doom of Britain! Climate change human extinction in 15 years! A minor flu-like pandemic fuels unprecedented and persistent levels of panic-driven tyranny. And now the police abuse one more drug-addled hoodlum and cities all over the Western world have to burn. The entire world needs a straight-jacket, and frankly I wish the Chinese would just nuke us all and get it over with.

This Pavlovian hysteria didn’t appear overnight. It counted on a steady stream of subtle mass media messages and manipulated socio-political polarization. Breathless news broadcasts and instant weather alerts (El Nino, derechos, polar vortexes.) Emergency after mundane emergency, crisis after overblown crisis. Revolution through ever-winding tension.

The surface issue about black “civil rights” is merely a front, of course. The goal here seems to be create a Fall-of-the Berlin-Wall type of event in which old, stodgy, racist America peacefully steps down in favor of the illusion of a boisterous, free, liberal, post-racial, post-gender, green world where everyone gets to live like house pets. Once Antifa finally gets the wrastling heel Trump to step down in disgrace, these utopians and elites can reinvent the government and society and everyone will cheer while the old white folks whimsically shrug and shake their heads at the inevitable, and a few unhinged fanatics are quietly led away and promptly forgotten.

I do wonder about the extent the vindictive Leftists would want to use this new system to crush and humiliate their enemies. Will they merely punish the so-called bigots, racists, and fanatics, or will they find their unchecked ability to crush basic bitch “conservatism” and “whiteness” too tantalizing, rather than patiently allow the broken remnants of the old order to wither on the vine? Can the elites keep their dogs on a leash even if they want to?

As others have said, these riots are merely Act II in a regime change drama performed by the flamboyantly hilarious gay theatre troupe called the Western World. Considering how Act I commenced as an over-the-top reaction to a mundane viral epidemic, and the ongoing Act II started over just another black killed by just another cop, I’m guessing Act III will come from some other routine tragedy, maybe a mass shooting or leaky nuclear reactor. By the Final Act, we can have all of the inflated crises reprise together for the great final crescendo. But do they have the 2020 election in mind for the Grand Finale, or world war?

  • June 2020
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