Oh, Why Bother?!

– 27 October 2023 –

C. F. van Niekerk:

Folks, I’m so done cooked and worn out today that I don’t feel like writing. Here’s the thing. I don’t really care about nothing today. Or anything, neither. My emotions flew south for the winter. Looking for Dixie and finding none to be had.

For all that I care about anything today, I could write about the inventor of the cheese grater. (Invented by Homer’s Iliad, by the way.)

Today is beautiful and I feel nothing for it. It’s like emotional deafness (deathness.) Overstimulated catatonia. Quadriplegia of compassion.

[Barrels, barrels, everywhere. And not a one with a monkey in it. The only monkey ’round here is just me.]

I wanted to find the most trifling, boring news article from some forgotten, tiny place and simply cover that.

I set about the panhandle of Oklahoma (No Man’s Land). That sounds nice and desolate. Just like me today!

I thought about writing about a lane closure west of Boise City that happened as recently as a month ago. But they wanted me to pay for the juicy details. Now if I only had the time to drive out there and spend maybe the whole rest of my wretched life, that would be one thing….

[Yeah, that’s about right. I’m down to one lane and don’t feel like workin’.]

Then I decided to pick some random little town in Iowa…

In a town called Emmetsburg some citizens fought against a CO2 pipeline project back in July. Again, they wanted me to pay for the particulars! Old news anyway. But then, I’d never heard of CO2 pipelines. Sounds real stupid. I looked it up, and was going to write all about that, because it is real stupid.

But I can sum it up in a single sentence: Blackrock (Navigator) national homicide money was going to create thousands of miles of a corn belt pipeline to siphon off and compress all the CO2 waste from the production of government-subsidized useless corn ethanol, a fuel that supports over-production of corn for fat agri-business interests and spoiled over-subsidized farmer barons (who masquerade as struggling family farmers!), and Navigator would finally bury that piped, compressed CO2 in underground waste facilities!

Waste upon waste piled over delusions upon delusions heaped upon bloated gassy lies. That’s that. No need for an article on that one.

[Some assholes are getting fat and sassy these days, or fat and gassy, but the rest of us are stuck in one lane while nobody and no thing even works. So why bother, eh?]
[That’s right, too. I don’t have any veins in my head.]

Then I looked at recent elections in Africa. Liberia has a runoff election between the same man running as two different people at the same exact time, basically! Now that’s hot news! Forget everything I said! I am alive with concern and invigorated with emotion! Gaahahahahhahhahhhrrrrrr!

Via Roto Reuters:

Liberia’s electoral commission on Tuesday scheduled a presidential election run-off for November after results showed that the two frontrunners, President George Weah and opposition leader Joseph Boakai, had failed to secure enough votes.

Weah holds a slim lead at 43.83% of the vote, while Boakai has 43.44%, according to tallied results from 100% of polling places, the West African nation’s election commission said.

[. . .]

[Hey, notice anything funny going on in this picture?]

The Oct. 10 election has been widely seen as a test of support for former soccer star Weah, 57, who was criticised in his first term by the opposition and Liberia’s international partners for not doing enough to tackle corruption.

On his campaign trail, he asked voters for more time to fulfil his promise to rebuild the nation’s broken economy, institutions and infrastructure, pledging to pave more roads if reelected.

Liberia is struggling to recover from two civil wars that killed more than 250,000 people between 1989 and 2003 and from a 2013-16 Ebola epidemic that killed thousands.

Boakai, 78, was Weah’s main challenger and campaigned on what he called the need to rescue Liberia from alleged mismanagement by Weah’s administration.

I want to show you something very important here. It’s about this one African election, sure, but the lesson applies to the whole shebang! Around the whole flippin’ leaky globe!

Just look!:

[I used the spooky font because, you know, it’s just a spooky fact. And today is the favorite holiday of the paganized hollow consumer weenies, right? …Now I want a Whataburger…]

It is the same dude!!!! Yes. The very same man running as two candidates for the same job, backed by the same two men, wearing the same exact pair of glasses!!! And whoever wins, the beard version or the hat version, you get the same one-lane road under constant construction that never gets anywhere! Don’t be a fool!

Do you get it yet?!

It doesn’t even matter what hat or what beard they throw in front of you. You pick the same guy! The same guy! Can’t you get it through your heads?!

[It’s people! People never listen to me! Aahaahhhhahhhh!]

We aren’t getting anywhere fast except washed down a pit while we sit trapped in stupid traffic behind a road construction sign.

Time to build our own damn road.

[No, I’m closed. Me. I’m closing down my own damn road!]

The “Greatest Generation?” I Think Not.

– 20 October 2023 –

C. F. van Niekerk:

Looking back from the psych-ward mess of today, it’s almost a foregone conclusion that the World War II generation represented the greatest peak of Western Civilization. Right? Doesn’t everyone say so?

There is no question, after all, that each generation afterward has failed to live up to the lofty standards set by the World War II generation in hard-work, bravery, sacrifice, can-do spirit, and moral fortitude. They defeated the Nazis and the kamikazes, after all!

American Baby Boomers, more than anyone else, soberly refer to this generation as the “Greatest Generation” despite their own snotty youthful disrespect and rebellion against them. The Boomers, in keeping with their characters, say this in a very self-indulgent way. They sentimentally honor their own parents and the sacrifices their parents made to allow the boomers to live their prosperous and vainglorious lives. “Mom and Dad, I guess you were heroes for everything you gave to me! Sorry we disrespected you so much while we were out marching to change the world!”

So maybe the Boomers let personal sentiment cloud their judgment.

[Take that, you long-haired hippies! The New York hard hat riot of 1970.]

Because obviously the World War II generation was not the greatest in American history. Did they accomplish greater feats in philosophy, morality, and personal valor than the Revolutionary War generation? Did they carve out a brand new nation straight from the wilderness and against hostile Indians like the first colonists did? Of course not!

The fact is, the World War II generation wasn’t so great at all.

I’ll even take this one step further: the World War II generation was the very worst generation that America ever produced!


But what about the drug-addled incompetent phone-addicted SSRI-dependent lumps of broken freaks that can’t decide which bathroom they need to use? What about the crusty slacker sarcastic drop-out wasted X-er’s? And how can we forget the spoiled, out-of-touch, utterly self-absorbed Baby Boomers who literally threw away the entire heritage of a nation at its peak so they could worship themselves as idols?

Yes, these generations are all grotesque and awful. Each one of us deserves everything we’ve got coming to us and ten times worse. We suck! Very badly!

But the “Greatest Generation” was in fact the very worst.

How can I even say such a thing?

Well, Princess Golden Creampuff Cheeks, shut your trap and I’ll try and tell you.

I guess I should first clarify to any dumb-dumbs out there that I’m talking about the common traits of an entire collective generation here. I’m not talking about your own great-grandfather who of course stood as the perfect knight of valor and virtue. I’m not talking about Grandma best-cook-in-the-world who raised a whole household of Nobel peace prize winners and owners of keys to their cities. There are always exceptions to any collective, but the exceptions don’t change the whole. Even you yourself, dumb-dumb, might just happen to produce some bright witticism on Monday when you litter crumpled bags of stupidities everywhere else from Tuesday across Saturday that astound even the lowest San Franscisco dead-head for the sheer overflowing waste of it all. That one exception on Monday doesn’t change all the heaps of garbage tumbling through the rest of the week! And if you’re an individualist who doesn’t see collectives, then just roll around in your individual bags of individually-produced single-serve stand-alone stupidities while the random individual that I am crassly refers to them as them as piles of collective garbage. I’m talking the whole collective pile of a generation here. Capiche? Anyway, moving on…

So here’s the point. The generation that, as a whole, grew up in the Depression and fought in World War II grew up in more or less the same way that their parents and grand-parents—and in turn their parents and grandparents—grew up before them. And the World War II generation collectively, as a unit, failed to pass on those traditions as earlier generations had each collectively passed on their own traditions across time, every single American generation before them. The American heroes of World War II, from their loftiest elites down to their lowliest dirt farmers, collectively threw those traditions away for themselves and especially their children.

Yes, there was social evolution in those earlier generations, and it’s true that this social evolution trended towards a spiritual decline in some ways from the Founding Fathers to the Roaring Twenties. It’s also true that modernity advanced sooner in the cities and among wealthier classes than in the more common people.

But when did the rot really get into the soil of the people, the heart of the nation? A generation with a healthy soil can afford the damage of a wicked elite, and a healthy people can overthrow their corrupted leaders. But when the very soil of the people is so corrupt that it forgets to fertilize for the next generation, then what can be said? Their wilted descendants are just living on borrowed time.

The common people of America knew toil and sacrifice and hardship from its founding all the way until the 1910’s. The Roaring Twenties suddenly brought this escape from the old world like a rocket breaking out of the earth’s gravity. Suddenly everything seemed possible, and the past didn’t matter. But then the Depression briefly interrupted this modernist promise, and the old ways had to assert themselves for the people to survive. The common people who struggled in this Great Depression in the 1930’s were really just sent back to the hard conditions of the recent 19th century. How depressing that was after a little taste of modern comforts!

[No, Princess, that lady from the Dust Bowl ain’t on her phone! She’s hiding her face in shame from this intrusive government photographer who hopefully gave her some fuel for her troubles.]

After World War II, the modern dream of the 1920’s returned for good. Science and technology promised a sleek, shiny future full of unlimited prosperity and hope. If the World War II generation held to their childhood faith at all (and very many of them did not) they had a faith that was built on social convention and material living. They raised children in their social churches and their material prosperity, often running to the surburbs, and they collectively told those children that they were the promise of an era of peace and unbounded potential, free from the shackles of prejudice and scarcity before them. Television was a wholesome teacher and a family passion. Why make the children work for the family and turn over their wages for food, as the parents had, when the kids can play team sports and save up allowances for their own hoola hoops and comic books and maybe get a paper route for college? They declared that these children needed to instead focus on being healthy, enlightened, modern citizens that were free of the thankless toil that the parents had known, and free from the shackles of the ignorant old ways that accompanied the toil!

Then what happened? The spoiled, conceited kids turned against their parents and their ways. They rejected the churches as spiritually dead and conformist. They rejected the social order as backward and bigoted. There was a whole new way of thinking and feeling and looking, and the new order wanted to reject everything before it! The term “generation gap” came into use during this time, as the youth and elders increasingly failed to comprehend the other.

And what did the Greatest Generation collectively do with this generation gap? They shook their heads and thought, “Well, maybe we can learn a thing or two from these young people and their dreams.” They surrendered the whole culture to these ingrate upstarts in exchange for material control of the money and political institutions. “Let the kids do their silly things so long as we can retire in comfort.”

And that’s what they did. The World War II generation, as a whole, retired to quiet lives in simple paid-off houses close to their fragmenting families. They lived and let live, like proper American individualists. They helped their younger family members out when needed, and when the WWII generation died, they left whatever inheritances they could to their spoiled and soiled descendants, who then tended to fight among themselves over the modest possessions that represented the sacrifices of their qualitative betters. Then these ingrate heirs sold off their inheritance after they refused to talk to each other ever again. And the wealth disappeared like piss in the dirt.

The “Greatest Generation” believed in the importance of material security and comfort at the expense of spiritual sacrifice and humility. They believed in the progressive benefits of individualist modernity while rejecting the spirit of common sacrifice and collective identity. They outsourced to the government and civic organizations the informal services that families and communities had previously handled. They let themselves get addicted to I Love Lucy and TV dinners, to golf and La-Z-Boy recliners, all while outsourcing their parental responsibilities to consolidated schools and Howdy Doody and YMCA summer camps, and they themselves became doting servants to their children. And worst of all, they failed to impart the deep faith in God that their parents and grandparents had held as precious; they took their kids to church and Vacation Bible School but didn’t teach them why!

Yes, the youngest American generations, increasingly broken and useless, are qualitatively the worst. And yes, the Baby Boomers inherited a decent world from their parents only to squander it almost entirely on themselves. But the World War II generation grew up with the old ways, and they consciously decided that the old ways weren’t good enough for their precious darlings. Then, when their spoiled brats threw a fit in college, the great heroes dotingly retreated into irrelevance.

The Greatest Generation in America is the Worst Generation because they had the tools to know better, and they rejected those tools. We might look at them with love and nostalgia. They certainly, as a whole, lived morally sound lives in comparison with their juniors. But they rejected the fundamental essence of what makes a community, nation, and Christian people: spiritual sacrifice for God within a life of organic, collective toil.

Lots and Lots: The Endings of Dickens’ Great Expectations

– 16 October 2023 –

The Wanderer:


by Charles Dickens

The Unpublished Ending

This, the original ending before Dickens’ friends had him change it, is the most true to the harsh disappointments of life. And it’s likely the happier ending of the two, because it shows that Pip had fully broken free from the frustrated love that had hung over his shackled heart for his whole life like Magwitch the convict’s irons had hung over his. The original ending had him freed…:

“It was two years more, before I saw herself. I had heard of her as leading a most unhappy life, and as being separated from her husband who had used her with great cruelty, and who had become quite renowned as a compound of pride, brutality, and meanness. I had heard of the death of her husband (from an accident consequent on ill-treating a horse), and of her being married again to a Shropshire doctor, who, against his interest, had once very manfully interposed, on an occasion when he was in professional attendance on Mr. Drummle, and had witnessed some outrageous treatment of her. I had heard that the Shropshire doctor was not rich, and that they lived on her own personal fortune.

“I was in England again—in London, and walking along Piccadilly with little Pip—when a servant came running after me to ask would I step back to a lady in a carriage who wished to speak to me. It was a little pony carriage, which the lady was driving; and the lady and I looked sadly enough on one another.

“ ‘I am greatly changed, I know; but I thought you would like to shake hands with Estella too, Pip. Lift up that pretty child and let me kiss it!’ (She supposed the child, I think, to be my child.)

“I was very glad afterwards to have had the interview; for in her face and in her voice, and in her touch, she gave me the assurance, that suffering had been stronger than Miss Havisham’s teaching, and had given her a heart to understand what my heart used to be.”

The Published Ending

Then there is this, the more optimistic, the more heartfelt, and the more romantic version, what most people would have wished for Pip, and the version that Dickens delivered to his public:

Chapter LIX.

For eleven years, I had not seen Joe nor Biddy with my bodily eyes,—though they had both been often before my fancy in the East,—when, upon an evening in December, an hour or two after dark, I laid my hand softly on the latch of the old kitchen door. I touched it so softly that I was not heard, and looked in unseen. There, smoking his pipe in the old place by the kitchen firelight, as hale and as strong as ever, though a little grey, sat Joe; and there, fenced into the corner with Joe’s leg, and sitting on my own little stool looking at the fire, was—I again!

“We giv’ him the name of Pip for your sake, dear old chap,” said Joe, delighted, when I took another stool by the child’s side (but I did not rumple his hair), “and we hoped he might grow a little bit like you, and we think he do.”

I thought so too, and I took him out for a walk next morning, and we talked immensely, understanding one another to perfection. And I took him down to the churchyard, and set him on a certain tombstone there, and he showed me from that elevation which stone was sacred to the memory of Philip Pirrip, late of this Parish, and Also Georgiana, Wife of the Above.

“Biddy,” said I, when I talked with her after dinner, as her little girl lay sleeping in her lap, “you must give Pip to me one of these days; or lend him, at all events.”

“No, no,” said Biddy, gently. “You must marry.”

“So Herbert and Clara say, but I don’t think I shall, Biddy. I have so settled down in their home, that it’s not at all likely. I am already quite an old bachelor.”

Biddy looked down at her child, and put its little hand to her lips, and then put the good matronly hand with which she had touched it into mine. There was something in the action, and in the light pressure of Biddy’s wedding-ring, that had a very pretty eloquence in it.

“Dear Pip,” said Biddy, “you are sure you don’t fret for her?”

“O no,—I think not, Biddy.”

“Tell me as an old, old friend. Have you quite forgotten her?

“My dear Biddy, I have forgotten nothing in my life that ever had a foremost place there, and little that ever had any place there. But that poor dream, as I once used to call it, has all gone by, Biddy,—all gone by!”

Nevertheless, I knew, while I said those words, that I secretly intended to revisit the site of the old house that evening, alone, for her sake. Yes, even so. For Estella’s sake.

I had heard of her as leading a most unhappy life, and as being separated from her husband, who had used her with great cruelty, and who had become quite renowned as a compound of pride, avarice, brutality, and meanness. And I had heard of the death of her husband, from an accident consequent on his ill-treatment of a horse. This release had befallen her some two years before; for anything I knew, she was married again.

The early dinner hour at Joe’s, left me abundance of time, without hurrying my talk with Biddy, to walk over to the old spot before dark. But, what with loitering on the way to look at old objects and to think of old times, the day had quite declined when I came to the place.

There was no house now, no brewery, no building whatever left, but the wall of the old garden. The cleared space had been enclosed with a rough fence, and looking over it, I saw that some of the old ivy had struck root anew, and was growing green on low quiet mounds of ruin. A gate in the fence standing ajar, I pushed it open, and went in.

A cold silvery mist had veiled the afternoon, and the moon was not yet up to scatter it. But, the stars were shining beyond the mist, and the moon was coming, and the evening was not dark. I could trace out where every part of the old house had been, and where the brewery had been, and where the gates, and where the casks. I had done so, and was looking along the desolate garden walk, when I beheld a solitary figure in it.

The figure showed itself aware of me, as I advanced. It had been moving towards me, but it stood still. As I drew nearer, I saw it to be the figure of a woman. As I drew nearer yet, it was about to turn away, when it stopped, and let me come up with it. Then, it faltered, as if much surprised, and uttered my name, and I cried out,—


“I am greatly changed. I wonder you know me.”

The freshness of her beauty was indeed gone, but its indescribable majesty and its indescribable charm remained. Those attractions in it, I had seen before; what I had never seen before, was the saddened, softened light of the once proud eyes; what I had never felt before was the friendly touch of the once insensible hand.

We sat down on a bench that was near, and I said, “After so many years, it is strange that we should thus meet again, Estella, here where our first meeting was! Do you often come back?”

“I have never been here since.”

“Nor I.”

The moon began to rise, and I thought of the placid look at the white ceiling, which had passed away. The moon began to rise, and I thought of the pressure on my hand when I had spoken the last words he had heard on earth.

Estella was the next to break the silence that ensued between us.

“I have very often hoped and intended to come back, but have been prevented by many circumstances. Poor, poor old place!”

The silvery mist was touched with the first rays of the moonlight, and the same rays touched the tears that dropped from her eyes. Not knowing that I saw them, and setting herself to get the better of them, she said quietly,—

“Were you wondering, as you walked along, how it came to be left in this condition?”

“Yes, Estella.”

“The ground belongs to me. It is the only possession I have not relinquished. Everything else has gone from me, little by little, but I have kept this. It was the subject of the only determined resistance I made in all the wretched years.”

“Is it to be built on?”

“At last, it is. I came here to take leave of it before its change. And you,” she said, in a voice of touching interest to a wanderer,—“you live abroad still?”


“And do well, I am sure?”

“I work pretty hard for a sufficient living, and therefore—yes, I do well.”

“I have often thought of you,” said Estella.

“Have you?”

“Of late, very often. There was a long hard time when I kept far from me the remembrance of what I had thrown away when I was quite ignorant of its worth. But since my duty has not been incompatible with the admission of that remembrance, I have given it a place in my heart.”

“You have always held your place in my heart,” I answered.

And we were silent again until she spoke.

“I little thought,” said Estella, “that I should take leave of you in taking leave of this spot. I am very glad to do so.”

“Glad to part again, Estella? To me, parting is a painful thing. To me, the remembrance of our last parting has been ever mournful and painful.”

“But you said to me,” returned Estella, very earnestly, “‘God bless you, God forgive you!’ And if you could say that to me then, you will not hesitate to say that to me now,—now, when suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but—I hope—into a better shape. Be as considerate and good to me as you were, and tell me we are friends.”

“We are friends,” said I, rising and bending over her, as she rose from the bench.

“And will continue friends apart,” said Estella.

I took her hand in mine, and we went out of the ruined place; and, as the morning mists had risen long ago when I first left the forge, so the evening mists were rising now, and in all the broad expanse of tranquil light they showed to me, I saw no shadow of another parting from her.

Israel’s Right to Its National Interests, the Rights of Other Nations, and the Transformation of Jews When They Have a National Homeland

– 13 October 2023 –


Does the modern state of Israel have a right to exist? Is Israel a legitimate state?

Well, the short answer to the first question is simply yes. Yes, they do.

A Nation’s Right to Exist

What gives any state or nation the right to exist or survive or assert its interests? To the extent a nation or state has rights, it has the right to exist because of its own collective will to exist, its own ability to exist in the face of internal and external threats, and God’s will to allow that state to exist. The same is true with self-assertion.

A nation has the right to its life and survival because it has earned that right, and because of God’s forbearance to allow it. Like individual liberty, a nation or state’s privileges and boundaries are earned by its collective achievements and the willingness of its communities and families to sacrifice for the collective.

National Legitimacy

As for the second question, whether Israel is a legitimate state, again the short answer is yes.

In the realm of nations, as in the realm of individuals, nations exist; and a nation possesses a degree of agency as well as the drive to survive and advance its collective interests.

Is any person’s existence illegitimate? Even a bastard child of an unwed teenaged girl is legitimate in the eyes of God and by natural law, though such a birth was the consequence of societal failure and sin. Bastard children must live with the negative consequences of their sinful birth, but that doesn’t make them illegitimate the eyes of God or in nature.

Modern Israel is much the same. A bastard child.

[The 1917 Balfour Declaration in which the British vowed to make Palestine a Jewish homeland after the defeat of the Ottoman Turks]

However shady and brutal the tactics used to establish and build the Zionist state almost from nothing, there is no question that they succeeded in doing so. Seven million Israeli Jews in all their fancy cities are a testament to that. When it comes to nations, possession and will are everything.

If a nation has the collective will to assert its interests, and its people possess the territory, then the only question is, can they defend their territory from internal and external threats? If so, then what can anyone do? Accept the reality or don’t. If a nation can and does survive, then that nation or state has every ‘right’ to do so. By that common sense logic, the modern state of Israel has as much right to exist and assert itself as any other nation or state out there.

The Israeli-Palestinian War

Of course, the same logic holds true with the Palestinian Arabs. Theirs is the weaker position, and to some extent they live at the mercy of Israel and the willingness of other countries to supply them and stand up for them. If the Palestinians choose to fight, then they have every ‘right’ to do so. And under Jewish occupation, they have every motivation to do so.

The current war is a power struggle between Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs, or at least that’s all the conflict should be. In reality, because the Jews wield so much direct and indirect power and influence in so many other countries around the world, particularly the United States, and because the Muslim world stands in some degree of solidarity with the Palestinian Arabs, then the conflict has broader implications, as we are seeing.

Should the West and other nations sacrifice their own interests for a bunch of Jews who manipulate and exploit them into ruining their own moral and ethnic cohesion to suit Jewish preferences? Of course not. But that isn’t really the Jews’ fault so much as the fault of our own stupid and corrupted peoples to tolerate this situation.

The Jews Have Earned the Wrath of the Nations

That all sounds reasonably neutral and balanced, I suppose, but here is the thing: (and the Jews know this, too, to their depths of their kvetching bones:) the collective behavior of the Jews towards pretty much everyone in the world, in both the past and the present, has given the non-Jews, and especially white Western Christians, every motivation to utterly destroy them, and not merely to destroy Israel as a state but also to destroy the Jews as an elite. So if the Jews don’t continue to impose their overwhelming influence and power over these other nations by any and every means, then those nations will turn on the Jews every bit as ruthlessly as the Palestinians have, and probably moreso.

Just as the individual liberties of people are earned and maintained to great degree by the collective assent of those around them, the same is true for nations and states.

When an individual is reasonably able to defend and take care of himself, and when he shows respect and good-will towards those around him, and if he behaves within generally tolerable norms of decency within his household, then he can expect his neighbors to leave him alone under normal circumstances. If that individual poses a danger or threat to his neighbors, or if he otherwise acts like a terrible neighbor, or if his internal abuses in his home are too egregious, then he can expect that some of his neighbors will collectively intervene to take away his some of his liberties or even remove him from his property if they can.

On the scale of nations, the Jewish diaspora (however much they might self-righteously deny it) have collectively threatened and exploited their host countries, and the Israeli Jews have done the same to other countries geopolitically.

The nefarious abuses of the diaspora Jews are conducted through their overwhelming influence and power in media, business, finance, law, government, education, and pharmaceuticals, among other means. The state of Israel abuses the world through its influence on the Jewish diaspora to manipulate the West and other lands to sacrifice their own interests for Israel’s, through Israeli intelligence agencies, through their unilateral military strikes on their neighbors, and through their Samson option nuclear policy.

This is why I don’t particularly feel sorry for the Jews in this war with the Palestinians, even while the Palestinians slaughter some Jewish civilians without direct cause (as the Israelis have done often enough, and even now, with the Palestinians.) Between Israel and the Jewish diaspora, this people has repeatedly exemplified the idea that “with friends like these, who needs enemies.”

Jews With a Homeland are Especially Dangerous

Yes, Israel has every right to defend and uphold its interests as it can and sees fit. But so does every other nation have the right to defend and uphold the interests of their own peoples against those who would destroy them.

And to defend themselves, the peoples of the world would do well to remember the example of the Jewish-Roman wars, where Jewish zealots fought like fanatical maniacs for seventy years, wiping out hundreds of thousands of non-Jewish Roman subjects, and only being crushed by ruthless Roman destruction and the forced scattering of the Jewish population.

It’s interesting that the present-day Jewish diaspora and those who grew up in Israel show increasingly divergent interests and attitudes and even appearance, however much one group still defends and upholds the other against outside threats.

For four generations now, the Israeli Jews have faced existential threats from their neighbors, they have collectively built a country almost from scratch, they have collectively worked to produce their own goods and services, and they have collectively served in the military defense of their people. This is something that is alien to the overall Jewish existence, with few exceptions, almost since their fall to Rome.

For almost two thousand years, the Jews have lived as national parasites scattered across a diaspora, kicked out of one country after another. They became increasingly weak, ugly, neurotic, paranoid, work-averse, subversive, and exploitive. These states of existence over centuries would seem to have genetically bred a people that is made to exploit their countries to the point of their persecution and expulsion. This transformation has kept the Jews cohesive and distinct from their hosts.

But now that the Jews have had a nation-state for the span of a whole lifetime, a significant number of them look healthy, uphold their own laws and norms, show civic responsibility, and have adopted right-wing nationalistic survival values. More and more of them, particularly the younger generations, are becoming like the ancient rabid zealots of Roman times after they rejected our Lord. It’s something like how domestic pigs are relatively docile and lazy when kept in their pens, but they turn into tusked wild boars when they roam free in the wild.

It seems that the world has potentially created a monster in fostering the state of Israel: a people that, for all purposes, worships itself as a religion, who are intensely fanatical in their faith and nationalistic in their attitudes, who are militaristic towards internal and external rivals, who intensely and even neurotically value education and knowledge, who consider themselves to be a true master race over all other peoples, and who already consider themselves to be in a state of existential war with everyone else.

It might well be that, even with all of the problems that diaspora Jews most certainly cause their hosts, that diaspora Jews are still preferable to the dangers posed by Jews who possess a physical homeland.

A Final Reckoning

The world may find that the only way to stop this race of ruthless fanatical nationalists is to just as ruthlessly impose their total destruction, much like the destruction that the Romans enacted. Of course, we (and they) now possess nuclear weapons, and the Jews would rather destroy the entire earth than see their homeland destroyed again.

But if the Jews can transform from domesticated pigs into wild boars, then the white race can transform from domesticated dogs into packs of wolves. Just as Roman ingenuity and determination won the day against the Jewish zealots almost two thousand years ago, innate European creativity and martial spirit can win the day against Jewish chutzpah and fanaticism.

C. F. van Niekerk:

The observations seem true enough, but the conclusions seem hysterical. How on earth can the existence of a militant Jewish state where all of the Jews live be worse than a bunch of scheming parasites sucking the life out of their zombified body-snatched host countries? Maybe that all-Jewish state would make life suck for its neighbors, but there are only so many of these people, for crying out loud.

What really makes the Jewish situation a problem is the combination of an elite and wealthy diaspora with a militant Jewish nation-state. The diaspora funnels resources from other countries and drags them into conflicts, all the while making these brain-dead hosts absorb the populations of their enemies, etc. All the while the state is emboldened to act recklessly because of that outside support and control.

Take away the diaspora, and you take away Zionist recklessness, more or less.

Old Columbus Day Observances

[Friends of the Family comic strip for Columbus Day, 10 October 1949]

– 9 October 2023 –

Barzillai “19th Century” Bozarth:

Via The Bridgeport Times and Evening Chronicle, 8 October 1921:

Via the Pendleton East Oregonian, Evening Edition, 12 October 1910:


Anniversary of Discovery of American Continent is Celebrated.


Movement to Honor White Man Who First Set Foot on New World is Fostered by Knights of Columbus

Italians are Much in Evidence During Day—Third Division of Atlantic Fleet Participates In Boston Observance.

Washington, Oct. 12.—Fifteen states have passed the Columbus Day bills fathered by the Knights of Columbus, and in all the cities of these states the anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus is being observed today as a holiday.

New York, Oct. 12.—Thousands of Italians and other members of Catholic orders joined today in a great Columbus Day parade. The feature of the day was the exercises of the Brownson Memorial National Committee, formed to erect a monument to the memory of Dr. Orestes A. Brownson, called the most distinguished layman and profoundest scholar of The American Catholic church.

Fleet Participates.

Boston, Oct. 12—With the entire third division of the Atlantic fleet here for the celebration, the observance of Columbus Day in Boston surpassed all precedent. Soldiers, militia, sailors and marines, as well as fraternal and civic bodies, participated in the parade. The New England Amateur Rowing association held a regatta on the Charles river basin.

Philadelphia. Oct. 12.—A procession exercises in Fairmount Park at the Columbus monument and addresses were among the features of the celebration of Columbus Day in this city.

Pittsburg, Pa., Oct 12.—James A. Flaherty, supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, will be the principal speaker at the Columbus Day banquet here.

Chicago, Oct. 12. Great enthusiasm marked the Columbus Day observance In Chicago and throughout the central west. The movement to make Columbus Day a legal holiday shall be pushed by the Knights of Columbus in all states which have not yet acted upon the matter. The day is already a legal holiday In Illinois.

San Francisco, Oct. 12.—The memory of the discovery of America was honored today throughout California, October 12 having been made a legal holiday by state legislature. The celebration here was on a large scale.

Oppose Moving Pictures.

New York, Oct. 12.—What are termed “the vile attractions of the moving picture shows” were vigorously denounced today at the state convention of the Catholic Knights of America, in Brooklyn.

Resolution have been prepared, and will probably be adopted, warning Catholic fathers and mothers against permitting their children to witness the “vulgar dramas” depicted at these “haunts of shame.”

A Connecticut woman made $10,000 this year selling eggs. This is one of the few stories we don’t doubt.

  • October 2023
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