No Police for BLM Riots, A Police State for Gaza War Protests

– 26 April 2024 –

C. F. van Niekerk:

So in a week’s time, these university Gaza War protests have spread from Columbia University in New York to other Ivy League schools and then all across the country, where Leftist protesters are occupying sites to set up long-term, autonomous tent zones to screech and whine 24/7 against the white “Nazi” aggression of Israel, who are genociding the non-white, oppressed-class Palestinians of Gaza.

The liberal elites, unlike during the barely restrained George Floyd riots of 2020, have now made heavy use of the police, who have obediently broken up these protest camps before they can get established. They’re quelling the dissent, it seems. The elite university leadership, many of them Jewish and all of them liberal, people who had stood in lockstep to showcase their support for BLM and to condemn the very existence of police just four years ago, have variously denounced today’s protesters as “anti-Semites” and have threatened them with expulsion and even imprisonment. Meanwhile, the police, who meekly “took their knees” in 2020 and made themselves impotent before black criminality, pant at their masters’ orders and leap in (like the mindless bulldogs that they are) to throw wayward professors and their skanky students to the ground. It’s okay to protest and riot against white civilization, but criticizing Jews is a whole other story!

[Harvard President Alan Garber, who is himself Jewish, treads carefully with these protesters while trying to shut them down.]

Then we have the so-called conservatives. Naturally they have to take the opposite position of the Leftist protesters. But what does that look like? These conservatives either ideologically support Israel as our “greatest ally” in the Middle East, or they religiously support modern Israel and Jews as “God’s Chosen People,” who, when all is said and done, can do no wrong in their eyes. In both cases, the conservatives unite even more firmly behind the Jews and Israel in order to show their greater loyalty to Jewish concerns than these disloyal liberals and “terrorists” who—of course—they also call “Nazis.” Hamas is evil, the Jews are good, and if there are unfortunate civilian casualties, it’s because Hamas is using them as human shields. At least that’s how the narrative goes.

[John Hagee is like a cartoon version of an American Christian Zionist, like a blob man out of Southpark. Does he ever talk about our Lord, or does he only promote Zionist Israel? Let’s see which he talks about first.]

The situation gets even more absurd and confusing when we look at who is funding these Leftist anti-Gaza protests. Most notoriously, according to an article in The New York Post anyway, we have George Soros’ Open Society Foundation dumping piles of money on these groups, and other organizations are doing the same, including the Rockefeller Foundation, some retired Wall-Street banker Felice Gelman, and another group called WESPAC, which is run by Howard Horowitz. With the exception of the Rockefeller Foundation (which has sunk its tentacles into subversive projects for decades), each of these named groups is run by Jews. How strange that Jews would fund these supposed anti-Semites so they can riot against the Gaza War!

[George Soros is Jewish, so why is his foundation funding Gaza war protesters?]

So, to boil down the various sides here:

We have Jewish-funded anti-Israel protests erupting around the country to stop the “Nazis” in Zionist Israel and in “fascist” America.

We also have Jewish groups and liberals (many of them Jews) aggressively trying to stomp out these “Nazi” and anti-Semitic protests.

And we also have conservative leaders and groups trying to outdo their liberal equivalents by more aggressively shutting down the “Nazi” protests, while they meanwhile call the liberals “Nazis” for not taking a tough stand against the vocal, anti-Israeli elements of their base.

And all of this is happening in the United States of America, a country that should have nothing to do with an internal ethnic war in modern Israel between the Zionist Jews and the Hamas resistance in the Gaza Strip.

What are we to make of all this mess?

The first thing to take away from the situation is that Jews basically control the discourse in America. They call the shots to both liberals and conservatives all the way from the “grass-roots” bases to the swine who occupy seats in office (including both Trump and Biden), to all the major media outlets, and to all the large corporations.

Every issue that gets drummed up in America these days, by elite dictate, must be tied to some dogmatic political ideology that amounts to a secular religion, and then every conflict must be made into an ideological crusade against an existential evil, i. e., against “Naziism.”

[Everyone who is against you must be a Nazi. Why else would they oppose you?]

This notion of moral crusading is so deeply embedded in Western discourse today that it’s hard for Westerners to imagine that conflicts, only a hundred years ago, were not these all-or-nothing, life-and-death struggles against good and evil. At one time, in most cases, conflicts were simply about competing interests between two self-interested parties, and therefore the conflicts could be fought and resolved in a limited manner. But the Jews don’t fight that way, and they don’t want their proxies to fight that way, either! Every struggle, even if it’s about the price of Corn Flakes, must be life and death, good and evil, right and wrong!

The second thing to take away from this chaos is that the Jews are not united. There are several competing groups within Judaism, and their conflicts are playing out through their proxies in America because Jews have come to collectively control, more or less, the United States in particular, and by extension, the entire West.

[Religious and secular Jews, presumably, having an argument in Israel, maybe about a store owner’s price of his Corn Flakes. Jews like to argue. It’s what they do best.]

We can categorize the Jews into two major factions in how they handle the world and each other: the nationalists and internationalists. The nationalist Jews (that is, nationalist for Zionism), exemplified by Benjamin Netanyahu, tend to favor a more militaristic, direct approach to accomplishing their goals. They have militant zeal, like spiders rushing across their webs to wrap up their tangled prey. The internationalist Jews, exemplified by George Soros, tend to take a more long-term globalist approach that continues to use indirect manipulation to accomplish their collective goals. The left-wingers want to keep spinning their webs in the shadows. But both sides support Israel.

Because the United States is largely controlled by these Jewish factions, our internal politics are playing out in ways that reflect the conflict between these two major sides within Judaism. Liberals like Barrack Obama and Joe Biden favor the approach and policies of the international Jews, while conservatives like Donald Trump and this awful Speaker of the House Mike Johnson favor the nationalist Jews.

[Christian Zionist weirdos, with Mike Johnson on the right. Suckers or traitors? It doesn’t matter, the results are the same.]

In times when Jewish interests for the United States are aligned on both the right and left, both political parties who supposedly hate each other magically turn into bipartisan allies. Congress passes bill at like 366 to 58, or even more lopsided than that. And wherever divide-and-rule professional wresting is preferred by the masters, then we have hysterical political theatrics while everything important keeps moving the same way.

For example, the 2020 BLM riots served national Jewish interests because the movement further weakened what they view as white supremacy, so while plenty of people bent over backward to show BLM support, nobody in high office, not even Donald Trump, dared to stop the protests and riots, even during a so-called pandemic where everyone else had to wear masks and huddle inside their houses. Compare that situation with today, where probably 75% or more of American Jews don’t like Benjamin Netanyahu or his conduct in the Israeli-Gazi war. But these same Jews, as well as their lackey Christian Zionists, are very concerned about the ongoing anti-Israel protests, that it could breed anti-Semitism, so the police fall over themselves to stomp out the supposed riots. It’s a divided situation today for American Jews.

So why are there some Jews and Jewish groups in America bankrolling those who support these anti-Israeli protests?

[Most American Jews don’t like Benjamin Netanyahu and many of them oppose the conduct of the war in Gaza.]

That brings me to the third idea to take away from these reactions to the Gaza War protesters: the system is using these protests for other purposes.

Like so many other issues today, much of the political reaction to the Gaza War protests is a mere foil to achieve other ends. These anti-Zionist protests can potentially drive changes in the United States that serve larger Jewish interests.

First, with the participation of Jewish groups in these protests, this is a way for Jews to distance themselves as a people from the actions of the Israeli government. In this way, people can’t simply blame “the Jews” for the brutal ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip. I’m sure that most of these Jewish protesters sincerely oppose the inhuman conduct of Israel in Netanyahu’s Gaza War, but they are out there displaying themselves conspicuously as “Jews Say Cease Fire Now” and “Not in Our Name” for a reason: they are concerned that the criticism of Israel will generate anti-Semitism against them personally. Their protests are at least partially intended to diffuse criticism for Jews in general and to further claim that Jews don’t really call the shots in America and in the West overall. Zionism and Judaism are then separated rhetorically, even as Israel still gets to do whatever they want, Jews still get to call the shots, and even as Americans still fall over themselves to avoid offending this pain-in-the-ass people.

Second, the protests generate considerable bi-partisan support, even among regular people, for restrictions on supposed hate speech, especially against anti-Semitism. This so-called hate speech is a problem for Jewish elites because more and more people, especially young people, are figuring out that the Jews are running things, that their rule has ruined the country, and that their power now threatens to destroy it. Jewish elites see trouble ahead, and they want speech restrictions to help thwart any potential uprising. A few states have already passed restrictions on speech that they define as anti-Semitic. If these protests continue, or especially if they escalate, then restrictions on speech that the Jews don’t like can gain more acceptance. “Hate speech isn’t free speech!

[Free speech and hate speech are what the system says they are. And what is anyone going to do about it?]

Third, these Leftist agitators can be used, if needed, against Donald Trump during the 2024 election campaign and afterward. For whatever reason, the Jews in America are both terrified and enraged by Donald Trump as president. He has consistently upheld the Jewish nationalist, pro-Netanyahu side, but this is a country where internationalist Jews hold the upper hand. I suspect that the system fears Donald Trump because he’s a reckless, narcissistic wild card and because he has energized American nationalists and patriots who might one day reverse Jewish societal engineering, and who might even turn on the Jews themselves.

And finally, these protesters can be energized even further to help destroy the United States as a country, if desired. We’ve already seen how many of them, interestingly enough, equate the American government with the Israeli government that is fighting the Gaza War. “Death to America!” Globalists want a different kind of America, a weaker America, whether it exists in one piece or it’s broken into fragments. The addled Gaza War protesters, when united with the millions of resentful foreigners who have magically flooded into every city in America, will have a fighting chance to demolish whatever remains of white America.

[An insurance policy for the Jewish elites against American nationalism.]

In mentioning the significance of the 2024 election, it may sound like I place great weight on its outcome. I really don’t. The outcome of the election isn’t nearly as important as the forces unleashed by the ongoing election process. It doesn’t really much matter which man is holding office. Both major geriatric candidates support similar policies that end up being terrible for the real American people. Both sides, despite all of the polarized programming, ultimately serve these Jewish elites. We’ve already seen this, even with Trump’s actions (if not his words) in his first term as president, despite all the hair-ripping hysteria and deranged insanity over it.

If we view all this mess and drama as political theater—or if you will, like professional wrestling—then it’s the reaction of the gullible audience that really holds the key! How do they react to the events leading up to the main event? How much “heat” is being generated?

[The “Biggest Wrestlemania Match of All-Time,” and all I got was this lousy Snickers ad.]

In professional wrestling, the goal is to keep people tuned in, hyped up, and buying tickets and pay-per-view. (Does pay-per-view still exist?) In the electoral charade, the goal is to herd the people into doing some other thing in addition to buying stuff. What that “some other thing” may be for 2024 is pretty hard to tell.

Are the polyglot of peoples in America supposed to rise up and start killing each other in a civil war? There is predictive programming to support that idea. Or are they supposed to mindlessly unite as a polyglot “people” in order to die by the millions fighting a war against the despotic tyrannies of China and Russia who hate butt sex? Or both?

Or will this hyper-screechy 2024 drama turn out as just another melodramatic side event in the rotting national circus, and then everything just keeps creeping along the same sad, dismal path that we’ve seen for the past several decades?

We’ll see, I guess.

[Is it time to get off this ride yet?]

All I know is, I don’t really care about any of the sides in play here. I’m not getting drawn in to all their melodrama and rhetoric, and I’m not picking any one of their sides. None of these people has anything good to offer for the real American people. These clamoring factions are all like different species of bugs fighting over the remains of a rotting fruit, only without the thin charm of the bugs in James and the Giant Peach. If we had a healthy fruit growing in a healthy orchard, then we wouldn’t have all these nasty bugs and their raucous, alien agendas infesting everything.

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