The Presidential Debate: Professional Wrestling With Tiresome Old Boomers

– 28 June 2024 –

C. F. van Niekerk:

Okay, I’ll talk about the debate a little, since people get so worked up over this nonsense, but first I have to rub the dried crust out of my sleepy eyes. . . and get a yaaaaawwwwn out. . . Ah, that’s a little better. . . . Okay then, I’ll clean the table later. And one little drink. Here goes. . .

I’ve said it before. I don’t really care who wins the election these days. I ain’t voting. To the extent that any of the debate and drama are real versus scripted nonsense, the outcome of this election matters about as much as the outcome of Wrestlemania.

And who’s the WWE heavyweight champion right now, anyway? Do you know? Cause I sure have no idea. If only I could say the same for the public face of the sluggish, bloated, legless pig of a corporation called the U.S. Government (which is basically controlled by some fat-tick of a private equity firm. Satan, Hellstein, and Twinkleboy Partners International, I think it’s called.)

[The current WWE champion is the drag queen that calls hisself Liv Morgan, I think. Or is that the prime minister of Italy? Not sure. Hmm?]

One moment for a little diversion. Bear with me. There’s a little investigative game that I like to play sometimes. It’s called “Who Owns Who?” (It should really be, “Who Owns Whom,” but that sounds kind of stupid to the kids these days.) I like to pick some random brand and see who owns it. Then see who owns them, and then them, etc. It doesn’t always work, but it works more and more often.

For the sake of relevance here, let’s look at the WWE. World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. A publicly traded company that, until recently, was controlled by its sleazy founder Vince McMahon until he was me-too’ed for mouthing, “I have to use the toilet,” and then pointing his finger at his Guest Services chairwoman. Or something like that. (In fairness, bug-eyed McMahon seems pretty ghastly, and so does his old wrastling company, but who really knows anything about anything these days?!) Anyway, the private equity firm Endeavor Group Holdings, Inc. bought the WWE in the aftermath of that spectacle. And Endeavor itself is in the process of being taken over by a larger private equity firm Silver Lake, the 11th largest “investment” firm in the world.

[Blackrock’s Larry Fink, the real president for every country, and the real WWE champion for every Wrestlemania.]

There are many, many such cases going on, sometimes plain, sometimes hidden. A GMO big fish that produces nothing eats a little fish that actually produces something, and turns its prey into a zombie fish inside its stomach. But that’s a whole other story that maybe I’ll rant about later till my insides hurt. In the meantime, here is someone else’s decent article about it, “How Private Equity Conquered America.”

But this debate. Right.

Okay, we have these two old boomers, from the grasshopper-crusader generation that refuses to relinquish power, blabbering about moral platitudes and talking points that the “American people,” whatever that is, are all riled up and screaming about (mostly really stupid things), with nobody on stage offering any substantial solutions to the roots of these problems. It’s a shit show.

[Whoever loses this election match has to pick up all the Budweiser cans and put them out for recycling by the curb.]

The level of discourse is like caveman grunts. Silverbacks on sleeping pills. The intellectual state of the American audience has declined to the level of re-tweets and re-memes at a junior high field trip to McDonald’s (or Chick-fil-A, I suppose, if you’re an upscale American sluggard.) So if these two candidates could articulate anything of substance beyond newsmedia buzz-words and two-bit zingers, then they would lose the Americanized troglodytes in their Pliestocene dust.

I haven’t read any serious articles about the debate. Are there any? I skimmed through the raw footage, then skimmed through a stale transcript. Other priorities took precedence; I had to grill bratwursts for lunch at work, after all. I happened to glimpse a few headlines and did overhear the neutered sloths slurping at the office water-trough. Their consensus, apparently, is that Biden performed terribly, showed his geriatricity, and lost the debate to a livelier, if more subdued, Donald Trump.

[America lost with the likes of Rolling Stone. Now Rolling Stone only exists to make headline memes. The articles are fake, just like WWE wrastling, and just like the elections.]

But I don’t know. Biden looked like a doddering decrepit, sure, but when you could understand whatever he said through the slurring and stammering, he spoke well enough, and the content of his points was lucid enough. I did find Trump likeable, and tended to agree with him on his points, rhetorically speaking. To a very limited point. And I found Biden likeable enough to feel a bit sorry for him while he stood stiffly with his mouth hanging open, staring over at Trump like a watery-eyed geezer. But I really don’t think Biden’s mind is gone. That argument is low-hanging biscuits for low-hanging dogs. The two comported themselves reasonably well, I thought. Despite some low-key name-calling on both sides, from what I saw, the two showed a fair amount of respect to one another. I personally don’t think either one of them did especially great, but nobody bombed. They punched their tickets, as far as I’m concerned.

From what the sloths were gradually saying, the scared lefties are screeching that Biden should step down from the election. They are even panicked, supposedly. Whatever. This is just petty melodrama from a bunch of hens and homosexuals. I don’t think Biden will step down after this.

I remember, back in 2012, how Obama supposedly performed so feebly in his first debate with the plastic milquetoast traitor Mitt Romney, who proved surprisingly aggressive for those days. Then two more debates followed, and Obama bounced back. Now nobody remembers it. And now the two slimy bastards are ol’ best pals! Wrestling, remember?

[Huh?! Well, maybe they’re not best buddies exactly. I couldn’t find a picture of them together after 2012. These more competent impostors will have to do instead.]

So the performance probably doesn’t really matter. What matters a little more, in this whole stage performance, is the next Monday Night Raw. The next debate. I feel another yawn coming on. And another crust in my eye.

Do these debates really matter at all? Really?

They stole the 2020 election, and they can steal 2024. That’s the reality. Believe it or don’t, but that’s what happened. They more or less admitted it while denying it the whole time. (Of course, people can read into these things however they want.) So believe what you want, but there are no real elections anymore at the national level, not if the establishment really wants to keep anyone out. It’s a rigged game with rigged candidates.

[“What are you looking at?!” Nothing to see here. A Detroit attorney named Liar Garcia later tried to diffuse the criticism: “Only the media is allowed to take pictures inside the counting place, and people outside the center were not listening to requests to stop filming poll workers and their paperwork.” Precisely the problem!]

If you look at this like professional wrestling, which is the only thing that actually makes any sense (considering how core policy never changes by administration anymore), then the system now either wants another Trump term or they want somebody else.

If they want another Trump term—and I think a lot of “them” do—then they will stage the greatest comeback of the century in time for the greatest war of the century. Very great Wrestlemania drama!

If they don’t want Trump again, then they will probably have poor Biden step down.

Let that be the sign for anyone still invested in this game! If Biden stays on till election day, the puppeteers want Trump to win. If they yank Biden out and stick another muppet into his place, then they will steal the election for the new muppet. That’s the swami’s prediction here! The whole meat of this article, right here in this paragraph! Did anybody actually make it this far? No? Haha!

[Italian PM Giorgia Meloni (the cute but phony anti-invasion fake nationalist who might also be WWE heavyweight champion if that isn’t a male drag queen instead) attentively helping Biden, who started to wander off at the last G7 meeting.]

Personally, I kind of want Biden to win. It’s getting very funny with him in there, and the country’s going to shit one way or the other (like Vince McMahon in a business meeting gone awry.) But then, I want the system to crash most ridiculously. I’m not rooting for this Babel-Sodom system, and most real Americans desperately need a serious kick in the ass (or a hundred) if they’re going to be saved. So long as white Americans think that Trump will save them, then they will keep buying into the delusions.

At the end of the day, neither Trump nor Biden is going to make much difference in the grand scheme of things. Did Obama shift drastically from George W. Bush? Did Trump really reverse Obama’s core anti-American policies? Or did the liberalizing, globalizing trends only accelerate? Has Biden really make a difference in US policy? Hardly at all!

What matters in this election, as I said recently, is the audience reaction. The actual outcome of this election won’t affect the geopolitical realities, which are playing out the same way no matter who wins.

[Trump is the perfect wrestling heel. When he wants to be.]

To finish, I’ll just be a lazy bastard and quote my old article where I already talk about this. I ate too many brats and need to clean my table from eye crusts:

Via “No Police for BLM Riots, A Police State for Gaza War Protests“, 26 April 2024:

In mentioning the significance of the 2024 election, it may sound like I place great weight on its outcome. I really don’t. The outcome of the election isn’t nearly as important as the forces unleashed by the ongoing election process. It doesn’t really much matter which man is holding office. Both major geriatric candidates support similar policies that end up being terrible for the real American people. Both sides, despite all of the polarized programming, ultimately serve these Jewish elites. We’ve already seen this, even with Trump’s actions (if not his words) in his first term as president, despite all the hair-ripping hysteria and deranged insanity over it.

If we view all this mess and drama as political theater—or if you will, like professional wrestling—then it’s the reaction of the gullible audience that really holds the key! How do they react to the events leading up to the main event? How much “heat” is being generated?

[The “Biggest Wrestlemania Match of All-Time,” and all I got was this lousy presidential debate.]

In professional wrestling, the goal is to keep people tuned in, hyped up, and buying tickets and pay-per-view. (Does pay-per-view still exist?) In the electoral charade, the goal is to herd the people into doing some other thing in addition to buying stuff. What that “some other thing” may be for 2024 is pretty hard to tell.

Are the polyglot of peoples in America supposed to rise up and start killing each other in a civil war? There is predictive programming to support that idea. Or are they supposed to mindlessly unite as a polyglot “people” in order to die by the millions fighting a war against the despotic tyrannies of China and Russia who hate butt sex? Or both?

Or will this hyper-screechy 2024 drama turn out as just another melodramatic side event in the rotting national circus, and then everything just keeps creeping along the same sad, dismal path that we’ve seen for the past several decades?

We’ll see, I guess.

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