A Memorial

– 9 December 2022 –


“But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
or let the fish in the sea inform you.
Which of all these does not know
that the hand of the Lord has done this?
In his hand is the life of every creature
and the breath of all mankind.
Does not the ear test words
as the tongue tastes food?
Is not wisdom found among the aged?
Does not long life bring understanding?

– Job 12:7-12

Like trees in the soil growing into forests tied to the land among the beasts and the foliage, among the mountains and the rivers and the fluttering plains, so do the tribes of men grow into nations tied to the magnificence of God’s creation in a particular time and place, in particular conditions.

The tribes of people bring their own characters and traits, but the land in which they are born, where they toil and grow, where they raise children and children’s children, where they are buried in the earth, that land shapes a people into the nations they become.

When the men and women of the British Isles cast their seed in the lands of America, to grow and spread and live here from generation unto generation, the human trees of Europe sprouted into new soil and became new forests shaped by this new land.

And what of this land that they found? The unfamiliar hills and foliage and rivers and beasts seemed untamed and virgin to these sons and daughters of the old cultivated world of farms and towns, but this continent was already home to peoples and nations who thoroughly belonged to this wilderness.

The hundreds of nations that we called “Indians” lived according to their lands, and their lands shaped their blood, but the Indians in turn shaped the lands themselves. They hunted and planted and burned and cleared to serve their own survival.

These lands were the Indians’, but the Indians belonged to these lands for thousands of years, and these peoples left their marks even long after their time had passed. Just as Americans of old have left their marks today.

As the hundreds of nations of Indians died away, so the nations of what became the Americans were born. Right or wrong in the details; in the fallen natures of men, the plain fact is that the Americans came, that they and the Indians fought viciously over centuries, and ultimately the Indians all but died from war and disease and depression, or they fled or interbred with the Americans, pushed out of this country from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Plains and below the Great Lakes. All but gone save their scattered monuments and relics, the signs and wonders of the peoples and nations who once belonged to these lands.

“To God belong wisdom and power;
counsel and understanding are his.
What he tears down cannot be rebuilt;
those he imprisons cannot be released.
If he holds back the waters, there is drought;
if he lets them loose, they devastate the land.
To him belong strength and insight;
both deceived and deceiver are his.
He leads rulers away stripped
and makes fools of judges.
He takes off the shackles put on by kings
and ties a loincloth around their waist.
He leads priests away stripped
and overthrows officials long established.
He silences the lips of trusted advisers
and takes away the discernment of elders.
He pours contempt on nobles
and disarms the mighty.
He reveals the deep things of darkness
and brings utter darkness into the light.
He makes nations great, and destroys them;
he enlarges nations, and disperses them.

– Job 12:13-23

Nations and peoples rise and fall according to God’s mysterious Will. “From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.” (Acts 17:26) The Bible demonstrates this reality over and over again.

The great hills and mountains, the rivers and plains, the flora and fauna, all of them formed the rich soil out of which the Americans spread and fought and conquered and ruled in their own particular ways.

From largely British stock, the new world crafted a bold new people, marked by their rugged faith, their spirit of independence, their love of liberty and knowledge, their determination to make and discover their own ways in life for better and for worse. God raised them up, and they were a fine people.

Conservative types often like to say that the United States was founded as an explicitly Christian country. While technically this isn’t so, as the country was established as a liberal and secular Enlightenment project, the bulk of these people were fiercely devoted to God and their Protestant Christian faith.

While Christianity had started to decline to a cultural exercise in most of 19th Century Europe, devotion and even zeal for Jesus Christ and the Word of God remained closely tied to the lives of everyday Americans.

One traveler to the U.S. from Great Britain in the 1840’s observed what he deemed as an unfortunate tendency towards fanaticism in this country, but which turned out to be a healthy revivalism:

I have already intimated that sect in America is not wanting in occasional ebullitions of zeal and fanaticism. Indeed with some sects fanaticism sometimes attains an extravagance which borders on the sublime. As violent fits could not last long without exhausting the body, so these periodic religious spasms — fortunately for the sanity of the public mind, — although they pretty frequently occur, are only temporary in their duration. Some sects are cooler in their moral temperament than others, and are seldom or ever affected by them; but others are afflicted with them almost with the regularity, though with longer intervals between, of shivering fits during an attack of ague. The denominations most unfortunate in this respect are the Baptists and Methodists, whilst occasionally the more sober Presbyterians sympathise and fall a prey to the disorder. The moral distemper which on these occasions seizes upon masses of the population, is termed a “revival.” Such visitations are not rare amongst ourselves, but it is seldom that they attain anything like the appalling influence which they sometimes gain in America. Like a physical epidemic, their course is uncertain and capricious, frequently attacking communities which have always been ranked amongst those morally healthy, and passing over, in reaching them, others which had previously exhibited themselves in a state of almost chronic religious derangement. These revivals, when they occur, at first generally embrace but one sect; but if they take hold of the public, they soon draw other denominations into the movement, which do not, however, throw aside their distinctiveness in taking part in it.

(MacKay, Alex; The Western World; or, Travels in the United States in 1846-47, 1849)

As much as they loved independence, industry, freedom, and their Protestant Christian faith, the Americans also celebrated the life-long pursuit of knowledge about their world. Wherever Americans spread, along with churches and democratic governments, they quickly established newspapers, libraries, schools, and literary associations.

In his travels through America in the 1830’s, the French liberal Alexander de Tocqueville observed in Democracy in America that, even along the wild frontier, the Americans celebrated knowledge and intelligence. “There is hardly a pioneer’s hut which does not contain a few odd volumes of Shakespeare. I remember that I read the feudal play of Henry V for the first time in a loghouse.”

The lyceum movement particularly demonstrates a very American approach to the lifelong pursuit of knowledge and improvement, flourishing for a century in the large cities in the East and the rural towns in the territories.

The American Lyceum was an educational institution of a type peculiarly fitted to be useful to the people of the United States during the second quarter of the Nineteenth century. The basic part of the lyceum system was the town or village lyceums, which were local mutual educational associations. The usual plan of activity followed by the town lyceum was to hold weekly meetings, at which lectures and talks were given by members, or by members of other lyceums, who had some information not possessed by all. They discussed topics of general interest, debated, or watched the performance of some scientific experiment. Lecturers were frequently brought in from outside the community. Anyone who was interested was allowed to become a member. The young people who had not been privileged to go to school (there were great numbers of them) were especially invited. Teachers were urged to help and to profit by the contacts to be made and information to be gained.

(Hayes, Cecil B., The American Lyceum; Its History and Contribution to Education, 1932)

These characteristics served the Americans well in their conquering and forging of a great nation upon a wild and savage land, a land that brought satisfying rewards from these peoples’ independent but mutually-supportive toil and suffering. Shaped by the hardships of settling and civilizing this land, the unique qualities of the American peoples helped them to grow stubbornly strong and hardy, like a tough new forest that supplanted the old, taking on some of the characteristics of the old while bringing out the strongest of their own inherited personalities. They suffered and they worked; they played and they sang; they built beloved families and raised their animals with care; they sought to learn about the wonders of their beautiful and marvelous world; and from this toil and strife they shrugged off any bitterness and always knew that the future lay within the loving hands of God.

In general, the spirit that predominated within the collective character of white Americans from their early years to more recent decades has managed to build, through God’s Grace and Providence, a more-or-less united people who exemplified vigor and industry, independence and freedom, faith and civic-mindedness and optimism.

There is so much to celebrate in this nation, these peoples, that comprised old America. Generations of Americans embodied this spirit, but now those generations are nearly passed. Their remnants are dying before our eyes, passing into the night like the Indians before them, all but gone.

Old America has died and will never return to this fallen earth. There is no bringing it back to life on this side of Judgment Day. How we love and miss them!

A new America surrounds us. Where once great trees stood together in forests (miles and miles of strong pillars reaching their plumes high towards the heavens), the forests were first chopped into fragmented glades to make room for business; then only isolated trees stood in twos and threes after they bulldozed the glades to make room for comfort. Now scattered lonely trees tentatively stand, actively being replaced by limp and unhealthy vines that snake across the ground, looking for a tree to hold them up and increasingly finding none, all in the name of delusion.

From this destruction will rise new nations, built from the cherished memories of the old, built from the examples of the once great and departed nation and from the mercies and providence of God who honors His people even as He chastises them to make them seek Him for their own benefit.

He will build new glades and new forests, people who will remember Him and all the contributions that His people made before him.

May we gather the relics of those departed people with wonder and respect even as we take the best from their lives and apply their lessons to our own.

May we honor them and remember our Lord forever, memory eternal.

Then Job replied to the Lord:

“I know that you can do all things;
no purpose of yours can be thwarted.
You asked, ‘Who is this that obscures my plans without knowledge?’
Surely I spoke of things I did not understand,
things too wonderful for me to know.

“You said, ‘Listen now, and I will speak;
I will question you,
and you shall answer me.’
My ears had heard of you
but now my eyes have seen you.
Therefore I despise myself
and repent in dust and ashes.”

– Job 42:1-6

The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part. He had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys. And he also had seven sons and three daughters. The first daughter he named Jemimah, the second Keziah and the third Keren-Happuch. Nowhere in all the land were there found women as beautiful as Job’s daughters, and their father granted them an inheritance along with their brothers.

After this, Job lived a hundred and forty years; he saw his children and their children to the fourth generation. And so Job died, an old man and full of years.

– Job 42:12-17

[. . . and most especially on Grandma Marian, Lord, bless that dear woman and give her peace and rest, forgiving her any sin that she may ever have committed in life. In Your Glorious Name, Amen.]

Why Might Obama Want a Race War?


– 9 July 2016 –


Janus-smallObama, the leader of all that is wrong with today’s United States, talks peace and understanding over Friday’s black sniper attack on police in Dallas, but his actions behind the scenes since he took office suggest a sinister agenda against white Americans.

“There is sorrow, there is anger, there is confusion about next steps,” Mr. Obama said at the start of a news conference. “But there is unity in recognizing that this is not how we want our communities to operate. This is not who we want to be as Americans.”

The president said he would visit Dallas early next week to pay homage to the police officers who were killed there. And he said he would invite activists, police officials and others to the White House next week to seek “constructive actions that are actually going to make a difference.”

Mr. Obama acknowledged that the killings had unleashed some harsh rhetoric, and he urged people of all points of view to be careful in how they express their opinions. But he said he believed that most people were simply saddened by the lives lost.

“When we start suggesting that somehow there is this enormous polarization and we’re back to the situation in the 1960s — that’s just not true,” Mr. Obama said. “You’re not seeing riots and you’re not seeing police going after people who are protesting peacefully.”

While he pretends to care about the country’s police forces, he in fact will use this opportunity to push the narrative that the police themselves have escalated racial tensions, and he will try to meddle even further in local police affairs across the country just as his Justice Department did in Ferguson.

Uncooperative Blacks and Wary Police

Of course, police around the country increasingly refuse to deal with crime in black areas, and we see crime rates spiking in these areas because of it.  Why should the police risk their lives or their careers simply to stop ungrateful blacks from robbing and killing each other?

We also have a president who encourages groups like Black Lives Matter, a president who denounces the police whenever these incidents occur, who then meddles in internal, local affairs. The liberal media can’t help but act as a megaphone for the poor innocent victims of oppression if for no other reason than the coverage generates ratings. So the so-called president and his allies embolden the criminals and cow the police.


The experts in denial: “What’s basically happening is these cities are becoming victims of their own success,” said Professor Fox. The crime rate “can’t go to zero, and when you hit really low numbers, it can only go up.”

American blacks tend to have an uncooperative attitude towards authority, especially when confronted with non-black authority. Often they turn belligerent with little provocation. Even when American blacks aren’t outright hostile to authority, they recognize the police as an outside force whose interests don’t necessarily match their own. Even the best of black people will often resist authority through willful silence and inaction.

Police deal with this uncooperative or hostile black attitude regularly.

Combine that attitude with higher rates of black violent crime, with blacks regularly attacking the police, and situations between blacks and cops can quickly escalate, often leading to the death of an uncooperative but otherwise innocent black.

When confronted with police, the black “victim” knows in his head that he is innocent of a crime, so he doesn’t believe that he should have to cooperate with a cop who is obviously persecuting him because of his race, race, race. The victim can’t even understand how his actions would be interpreted by someone else as potentially deadly.

The cop knows that blacks, especially young and unkempt blacks, are more likely to attack him, and he proceeds with much more caution. And every cop on patrol today knows that every misstep with blacks could cost him his job or even risk his life and those of his family. In a black part of town, he might simply ignore a traffic violation or a domestic violence call-out, but he’s got to defend businesses and (especially) white suburbs and towns. But when it looks like a hostile black is going to pull a weapon, a one-second hesitation could cost the cop his life, and he’s going to kill the son of a bitch. Who wants to die at the hands of a low-life rowdy black asshole anyway?

In all reality, police do disproportionately target and ticket blacks for seemingly little or no reason. Part of the reason is that blacks are many times more likely to commit crimes, and the other part is that non-black police instinctively recognize blacks as alien to themselves and their people. There is justifiable mistrust on both sides.

This problem will only grow worse until the two nations are re-segregated, where blacks can take responsibility for their own justice system and law enforcement within their own territories.

Or until one side or the other is obliterated. . . .

Why Might Obama Want a Race War?

We have two major groups, or nations, in the United States who are so different from one another in their overall personalities that they can’t even really comprehend the thoughts and motivations of the other. They’re incompatible.

We also have an Obama administration that is fanning black hostility against the police in particular and against whites in general.

At every sensationalized case of a supposedly innocent black killed at the hands of law enforcement, Obama jumps into the story, railing against cops whether the victim was armed or not. Sometimes he involves himself or the Justice Department in the case.

If policemen are slaughtered at the hands of raging blacks, Obama usually has nothing to say. He said nothing about the Christopher Dorner shootings of police in California in 2013, for example. The Dallas case is the only black-on-police attack that I can think of where Obama has even commented. It’s quite obvious whose side Obama takes in these cases.

Why is Obama doing this?

It’s possible that he is simply incompetent. He and his Coloured administration identify with blacks, Mexicans, and Muslims, and they share a hostility against traditional white America. As a result, they simply attack traditional America whenever and wherever they can within the confines of their positions. This scenario is very possible, I suppose.

Obama has had a disproportionate number of mixed breed blacks in his administration. Prominent examples include Eric Holder, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, Jeh Johnson, and Valerie Jarrett.

But it’s best to assume that these people aren’t idiots. Somehow, even aided with affirmative action and mutual assistance, Obama and his Coloured appointees fought their ways into high levels of government. What if these people want to fan racial tensions rather than alleviate them? What would they gain by doing so?

It might be as simple as divide and rule. If no majority nation exists in the United States, then the government will need more power to keep the squabbling groups in line. Plus, the weakening of traditional white America on every front can only strengthen the Left-wing agenda. Eventually conservative whites will melt into political and cultural irrelevance, like those who oppose gambling or contraception. This is more likely the case, maybe even most likely.

Still, I don’t think it’s as simple as that.

Obama hates the old white America. He wants to destroy it altogether. “Revolution!” runs in Obama’s blood, not incrementalism. He worships Mao and Ho Chi Minh and Nat Turner and even Mohammad. He wants to “fundamentally transform” America.


“Oppressed peoples, unite to resolutely fight against US imperialism!” Revolution runs in Obama’s blood, not incrementalism.

He’s whipped blacks up against the police while the police allow blacks to commit more crimes. This breeds more crime and police reaction against the crime, creating more police “injustices” along with white resentment against blacks; while at the same time it breeds more frantic black anger against the police, leading to protests, rioting, and increasingly black retaliation. Police become more fearful and even resentful themselves, or more Dylan Roofs act out. Eventually, as this pendulum is pushed back and forth, the “Big One” will hit. Blacks will riot and kill a significant number of innocent whites. This will drive the angriest white patriots to act since the police won’t do anything, leading to the deaths of large numbers of angry blacks. The government will step in to restore order, but it will be too little, too late, on purpose.

In response to escalating violence and mayhem, and when the time is right, the federal government can play that dreaded card: the confiscation of all guns. We will have civil war. But the Marxists intend the war to take place on their terms. Obama spent years weeding out opposition in the military, and Leftists control the leadership of police in larger cities and other left-wing areas. Obama has imported hordes of non-white young men that he can call upon to fight against the evil racists. And once the civil war begins, Obama’s revolutionaries hope to flush out enough white patriots to mount a serious resistance but few enough patriots that they can’t possibly win. Thus, the revolutionaries can chop off the heads and fists of white America.  Accomplishing that, they can then “mop up”, or exterminate, the countryside, that bastion of conservative, Christian resistance.

And for laughs, his Marxists can turn against the surviving liberal whites, making them serve the non-whites in the very worst jobs at the worst pay as penance for the crimes of their evil white ancestors, a new race of helots for the new elite. In the 1920’s and 30’s, the soviets did this very thing to the fallen bourgeoisie.


Without whites to hold them down, brown people will finally be able to build the utopias of their noblest dreams.

In the end, Obama and his ilk will have exterminated traditional America, and the countryside can be turned into pristine national parkland. To finish whites once and for all, the revolutionaries might even castrate white men and impregnate the women, muddying the whites out of existence. Then the post-racial, post-national, post-human utopia can truly begin.

It’s even possible that Obama’s trying to provoke a war between the West and Russia in order to further wipe out the white race in another fratricidal world war.

This is just speculation on my part, of course. But I think there’s at least a gem of truth to it.

So what if Obama wants to provoke us so he can destroy us?

Let us hope that he and his half-breeds are biting off more than they can chew.

Cultural Marxists Are Determined to Remove Confederate Battle Flag from Mississippi’s State Flag


– 7 November 2015 –


Patulcius-sqA coalition of supposedly conservative Yankee do-gooders and Southern liberal groups has formed to guilt-trip the White folks of Mississippi to renounce their state flag in favor of a neutered one.

“It’s all about momentum,” said Dane Waters, the president of the Citizens in Charge Foundation, which organizes ballot initiatives and referendums nationwide. “If you take a pocket here and pocket there of things happening, I don’t think anything is going to change.”

This week, Mr. Waters, a self-described conservative who has been retained by a group of people he declined to name, will arrive in Mississippi to pick up a difficult task: forming an unlikely and perhaps unmanageable alliance of preachers, business executives, state boosters and civil rights advocates to remove forever the Confederate battle flag from the state flag.

He is working with the Flag for All Mississippians Coalition, which was started by Sharon Brown, an activist in Jackson, who is black. The campaign has already been organizing supporters and held a hundreds-strong rally at the State Capitol. But Mr. Waters spoke of other tools that will be brought to bear outside the public eye, such as pressure on political donors and lobbying in the Legislature.

The coalition that he and others are trying to put together would need to unite groups almost never politically aligned, testing the depth of what Mr. Waters called the state’s “tremendous social, economic and racial divide.”

In the immediate aftermath of Charleston, it seemed that such a coalition might be possible here. Several conservative political leaders called for a change, including the state’s two United States senators and the speaker of the Mississippi House (inspiring critics to print “Keep the Flag, Change the Speaker” yard signs). Down came flags at city buildings in Grenada, Magnolia, Starkville, Clarksdale and Yazoo City. In October, even the University of Mississippi lowered the flag at the circle where segregationists once clashed with federal troops over the admission of James Meredith.

I can understand that America’s Blacks interpret the Confederate battle flag as a symbol of their oppression. And they’re right. The flag has been used as such, both in a war that was at least partially fought to preserve slavery and by racist groups afterward. The flag is justifiably offensive to a minority of the population.

However, the Confederate flag is also a symbol of the South in general and White Southerners in particular, a people whose culture established civilization in those Southern states that eventually seceded from the Union to preserve that culture from Northern domination, a people who sacrificed hundreds of thousands of lives in the Civil War but restored their civilization in its aftermath, and a people who still fight for the preservation of their culture from immigrants today, both foreign and domestic. The flag represents Southern White heritage.

The question here is whether or not the people who dominate the culture, the history, and politics of a particular place have the right to uphold the symbols of their culture in an official capacity or not, despite the opposition of a minority?

In the case of the Confederate flag, for those who don’t value Southern culture and history, the answer is no.

That’s why Northern so-called conservatives don’t give a damn about the war against the Confederate flag.  It’s not their culture and history that is being attacked as inappropriate.

Nimrata Randhawa Haley-2

What does the phony Southerner Nimrata “Nikki” Randhawa Haley care about Southern heritage? Her ancestors didn’t fight and die for the South.

These cuckservatives are working towards the removal of the Confederate flag to persuade Black people that they are fair-minded. They believe that Blacks will show their gratitude later and vote Republican. But Black people will only advance their own interests, which they deem to be government handouts, affirmative action, and skewed justice, something that Democrats do better than Republicans. Go ahead and elect Ben Carson, cuckservatives, and see if he doesn’t advance the interests of his own people ahead of the rest of the country!

Northern conservatives don’t see this fight as the political chess game that it is. In their stupid focus on the current move, they can’t comprehend that their own “oppressive” symbols, such as the Gadsden flag or the Christian cross, or even their precious American flag, will be removed in the next moves of their opponents.

The struggle between nations over power and symbols is legitimate and expected. To the victor go the spoils. I don’t blame our enemies for smashing us when and where they can. I don’t blame Blacks and Jews for attacking the Confederate flag. Enemies are supposed to act like enemies. They are supposed to try and advance their own agendas at our expense.

I blame our own side.

White people around the world, through unjustified guilt, are not only losing in the struggle between nations, they are failing to fight at all.  Many of them are even fighting against their own people. Yet when the time comes, the enemy will strike the white traitors down as well.

To these impotents and quislings who use their authority to betray their own people, there is another symbol that the Confederate flag represents.  To illegitimate authority such as theirs, the flag says a mighty “fuck you!”

It is in that spirit of defiance that I fly a version of that flag here at Fines et Initia.  So long as enough White people are willing to tell our enemies to fuck off, there is hope for our nations to survive.

Confederate Gadsden "Don't Tread on Me" Flag

To those with illegitmate authority, be they impotents or traitors, this flag represents a mighty “fuck you!”

As our enemies are now failing to show our people the mercy that we have shown them, White Christians around the world will have the chance to awaken in time to rise up and utterly annihilate them from our lands!

May that day arrive sooner rather than later!

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